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Ginn Hale

“Them papers are clean as a unicorn's snatch!”
Ginn Hale
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“He may say he is different. He may want to be different. He may even go so far as to become your lover. But he'll always feel guilty and dirty. He'll be ashamed to be seen with you and try to blame you for his own desires. He'll claim you seduced him or that you are somehow irresistible because you're Haldiim. If the two of you are discovered together, he'll press charges to save himself. That's how Cadeleonian men are.”
Ginn Hale
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“More sheltering is rarely an antidote for too much in the first place.”
Ginn Hale
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“The Pepper Sisters," Falk told him, "I think you just got an eyeful of the new ad campaign for their dairy.""Were those the owners or the producers?" Jason asked."Both. It's an employee-owned co-op. Chemical-free too now that Pickle's quit smoking.”
Ginn Hale
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“It was a lazy community of mutual disinterest and alcohol.”
Ginn Hale
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“Tell me." Edward had to raise his voice a little. "Do you live by the principle that what people don't know can't hurt them?""No," Harper replied. "What people don't know can't hurt me.”
Ginn Hale
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“Don't waste your prayers on the past, when the future is where you're going.”
Ginn Hale
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“No matter how bad he felt, there was nothing to be done about it. He had made hard and even cruel choices, but in the end they were the ones he knew were right. There was no use in regretting them.”
Ginn Hale
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“The wisdom of age defeats the strength of youth.”
Ginn Hale
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“Now that I have this piglet talisman... who knows what I might find the poor judgment to do?”
Ginn Hale
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“To fear what you do not understand is to mistake ignorance for safety.”
Ginn Hale
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“I'm so glad to be grouped with the men you've seen in rotten shape. My hope is that someday I will reach the pinnacle of that appalling list.”
Ginn Hale
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