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G.J. Walker-Smith

Wife, mother, writer, wanderer.

Author of the YA novels, The Wishes Series.

Saving Wishes - iBooks Breakout Book Of The Year (AUS/NZ)


“I wished for you," he whispered, so quietly that I struggled to hear."What did that feel like? I've never made a wish in my life." My voice was as shaky as my words were stupid."Everybody wishes for something, Charli."I put just enough space between us to be able to look at him. "Not me. I've saved them all up. Birthday candles, shooting stars, stray eyelashes...ladybugs. I've saved hem all up. I figure I'm owed hundreds of wishes now.”
G.J. Walker-Smith
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“I'm biding my time until my real life kicks in.""How will you know when that happens?""It will be when I no longer have a list of things I've never done.”
G.J. Walker-Smith
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“This boy was so far out of my league it was embarrassing. I found myself staring at him, trying to find some minute flaw that might justify dragging him back to my level. Finding nothing, I decided that having a dimple on only one cheek was practically a deformity.”
G.J. Walker-Smith
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“Charlotte has a high tolerance for risk, she’s a slave to the sea and she takes pictures of time.”
G.J. Walker-Smith
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“Every picture ever taken is a fraction of a second, frozen in time forever.”
G.J. Walker-Smith
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