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Gloria Tesch

“Time is the most precious gift you can give to someone, because if you give someone your time. It's a part of your life that you will never get back.”
Gloria Tesch
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“There is a time and place for everything, you just have to wait for the right moment. Once it comes it will be the most beautiful and perfect thing possible!”
Gloria Tesch
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“In the early grey of the morning they reached the headquarter of General Genarius and found him working in a mountain of paperwork. Joey and Maya informed the general in detail about Libertine’s report. General Genarius closed his eyes and thought for a long moment until he said, “Wait a minute! Are you telling me that you want to enter the belly of darkness and liberate the mermaids and the unicorns?” “Yes Sir, we are determined to attack the center of demonic powers and believe in the great opportunity to liberate the mermaids and the unicorns from the cruel grip of the Empire!” Maya said. “Dangerous, dangerous…but the more I think about it, the more I can see that it could really work. However…this mission has to be well organized and of course…you must find the secret door to the Underworld… in time or you will be in big trouble. It is very risky but I will support this venture! Let me share with you some of my ideas and how this attempt could work. Take your six unicorns, all the equipment you need and leave the city of Selinka as soon as possible with Captain Goran and my assistant Captain Armstrong. You must cross the Thordis River behind the city, stay close to the Lagoon and move directly east from there. Let me take my map and show you exactly the way and… let me talk to Captain Armstrong. He is indeed a man with a strong arm, a clear mind in battle and he knows the way to Duanes Gate very well because his family lives somewhere in that area.”
Gloria Tesch
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“Plouton’s eyes narrowed coldly, and he grinned because he counted the result of this conversation as a tremendous and absolute victory over his older brother. Abbadon never saw his younger brother as competition or even as an enemy, but Plouton hated his brother from the bottom of his heart. He was controlled and possessed by his own negative thoughts, that his father, King Apollyon, loved and trusted Abbadon more and that he disliked and rejected him. Plouton was jealous… very jealous.He raised his eyebrows and opened his silvery eyes as wide as they could go. Diabolic sparkles appeared in his eyes. He grinned again when he thought about the Titans, the cave, the iron chains, the vultures, and the unforgiving ocean at the Rock of Mukane. (Maradonia and the Gold of Ophir)”
Gloria Tesch
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“King Apollyon, the ruler of the Empire of Evil looked downcast and very depressed although his powerful voice floated with pressure through the minds of his sons, Abbadon and Plouton. The red-brown eyes of King Apollyon flashed yellow as they saw the empty corral of Fayina, his favorite unicorn, and Apollyon was suddenly very disappointed with Abbadon. Plouton caught the disappointment about Abbadon in his father’s eyes. He knew immediately this was his unique opportunity to step into the conversation. He felt that this was the right moment for him because he had the full attention of his father and his brother. He took his chance and said: “Maybe we should put this whole case into other hands!” “What is this…?” King Apollyon yelled. He lost his temper again and screamed even louder. “What do you mean, to put this case into other hands? Do you expect me to do the work by myself?” Abbadon was astonished about his brother’s recommendation. He looked very critically at him and his red-rimmed eyes burned into his.”
Gloria Tesch
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“I don’t believe it!Are you telling me that these ugly creepers have left the Land of Maradonia? And… they are now in their old world?” King Apollyon, ruler of the Underworld, stood with his two sons, Abbadon and Plouton, in the empty cave of the unicorns and anger aroused within him. Prince Abbadon shivered fearfully. His red rimmed eyes gaped wide. He looked so frightful, so pitiful and gestured wildly with both hands. Then he took a deep shuddering breath when he said: “Yes, but we know where they might be. We have information from our outposts telling us that Maya and Joey have reached their world in a region which is called Oceanside. Yes, Father, the discouraging truth is that the teenagers disappeared and it is very difficult to pinpoint them again, because they slipped into a different world.”
Gloria Tesch
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“Maya’s character was different. Although she was beautiful and stood out of the crowd, she was a very shy person. The siblings got along quite well, but in many ways they were absolutely opposites. Maya was always hesitant and thought before she started anything new and Joey was very spontaneous. He acted before he thought about consequences and so they disagreed often and it took them always a while to agree on something.”
Gloria Tesch
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“Joey was a very intelligent, friendly and outgoing boy, but he had a huge attitude problem and an absolutely big ego. He knew that the new school could be challenging for him, but he also knew that he would make friends easier than anyone else.(Maradonia and the Seven Bridges)”
Gloria Tesch
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“Behind every sucessful person lies a pack of Haters! I love my haters!”
Gloria Tesch
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