Graham Masterton was born in Edinburgh in 1946. His grandfather was Thomas Thorne Baker, the eminent scientist who invented DayGlo and was the first man to transmit news photographs by wireless. After training as a newspaper reporter, Graham went on to edit the new British men's magazine Mayfair, where he encouraged William Burroughs to develop a series of scientific and philosophical articles which eventually became Burroughs' novel The Wild Boys.
At the age of 24, Graham was appointed executive editor of both Penthouse and Penthouse Forum magazines. At this time he started to write a bestselling series of sex 'how-to' books including How To Drive Your Man Wild In Bed which has sold over 3 million copies worldwide. His latest, Wild Sex For New Lovers is published by Penguin Putnam in January, 2001. He is a regular contributor to Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, Woman, Woman's Own and other mass-market self-improvement magazines.
Graham Masterton's debut as a horror author began with The Manitou in 1976, a chilling tale of a Native American medicine man reborn in the present day to exact his revenge on the white man. It became an instant bestseller and was filmed with Tony Curtis, Susan Strasberg, Burgess Meredith, Michael Ansara, Stella Stevens and Ann Sothern.
Altogether Graham has written more than a hundred novels ranging from thrillers (The Sweetman Curve, Ikon) to disaster novels (Plague, Famine) to historical sagas (Rich and Maiden Voyage - both appeared in the New York Times bestseller list). He has published four collections of short stories, Fortnight of Fear, Flights of Fear, Faces of Fear and Feelings of Fear.
He has also written horror novels for children (House of Bones, Hair-Raiser) and has just finished the fifth volume in a very popular series for young adults, Rook, based on the adventures of an idiosyncratic remedial English teacher in a Los Angeles community college who has the facility to see ghosts.
Since then Graham has published more than 35 horror novels, including Charnel House, which was awarded a Special Edgar by Mystery Writers of America; Mirror, which was awarded a Silver Medal by West Coast Review of Books; and Family Portrait, an update of Oscar Wilde's tale, The Picture of Dorian Gray, which was the only non-French winner of the prestigious Prix Julia Verlanger in France.
He and his wife Wiescka live in a Gothic Victorian mansion high above the River Lee in Cork, Ireland.
“Jeśli chce pan wiedzieć, to złorzeczyłem Bogu, że mnie zostawił. Czyż nie modliłem się zawsze, jak należy? Nie wierzyłem w Niego? Gdzie więc był wtedy... kiedy naprawdę Go potrzebowałem?”
“Parents always have their own ideas about how they wish theirchildren to be brought up, both morally and spiritually. But they mustunderstand that their children are not their property; that their children areentitled to pursue happiness in any way they wish.”
“Why does the life everlasting have to be won at such terrible cost? If the lifeeverlasting is true, why can it be achieved only through death, through grief, andthrough agony? What kind of God is it who gives us the world and everything in it,and the capabiliiy of loving so fiercely, and then takes it all away?”
“Heacox had disobeyed the first twolaws of safety and survival: Do not touch unless you have to, and then do not touchuntil you've checked. And maybe here in the Temple of the Dead there was onemore law, even more important: Do not touch until you understand it.”
“Just because you can't see them and you can't hear them, that doesn't mean they're not here.”