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“Earth to Brian! Come in, Brian! We've lost him, Alan. He's traveled faster than the speed of cum to the planet Fuckme. I'm afraid we've lost him.”
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“Yeah, it's Friday and they open it for students eighteen and over with IDs. I'm gonna score me a true babe tonight," Chester grinned.Charlie stuck his head in the door. "Want some lessons before you try to score with the dancing, Chester?""Nah, I just kinda shimmy around and raise my arms above my head and act like I'm having a seizure. Works every time.""Well, if nothing else, maybe a cute girl will try to give you mouth-to-mouth," Will chuckled. "See you guys later.”
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“What if you died?""I'd sit up there on the edge of my cloud and throw stuff at you.""Jordy!""Daniel!""I love you.""I know. I love you too.”
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“Billy and Aaron found their way beyond the rain.Anyone who reads this story:Have faith in the resilience of the human spirit.........if I can tell you just one thing, please believe in yourself. God made you to be beautiful. You can find your way to the other side too. Just never give up!GH”
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“In a sec.......let's see if this will help. Once there was a bunny that was very sad cause his ears were long and floppy and he stepped on them all the time." "Like my shoelaces?" "Yep, just like that. One day a beautiful fairy,,,,,,,," "The shoelace fairy?" "Yep. She landed on the bunny's head and.........." "Didn't that hurt? Does she have a wand?" "Nope. She lifted up the bunny's ears and crossed them over like an x." "I can cross my eyes.........look." "Lovely. She put one ear through the bottom of the x and she pulled." "She pulled the bunny's ears..........bad fairy." "No, she was trying to tie his.........." "Dan," Jordan laughed, "Stop. That is the worst thing I've ever heard." "Well, it's better than the teepees and the arrows and crap," Danny huffed. "Can I go see Andy now?" "Yes, go see Andy and his Velcro sneakers," Jordan snickered. "We give up.”
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“Seeing a big scratch on Andy's cheek, he tried again. "You win this fight?" he touched the little boy's cheek lightly. Andy's eyes filled with tears. "I fallded down." "Fell," Jordan corrected automatically. "DADDY!! COME HERE!!" JD commanded furiously. He stomped off to behind the sofa. Jordan rolled his eyes and followed. Leaning down, Jordan whispered, "What?" JD had on his 'frog face'. The one he wore when grownups have been bad. Brows wrinkled, mouth all scrunched and frowny, hands on hips, all 33 inches of righteous indignation, he hissed, "He be's just a baby. He dunna talk good yet." Jordan cocked his eyebrow at his son. "I'm a big boy, Daddy. I know this stuff.”
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“It's just that the last thing Adam ever said to me.......I remember it all so clear....'Can you go with me, Jordy? I'm not so scared when you're with me.' And then they wouldn't even let me be with him when he......when he....... He was so scared, Mama. I wasn't there.”
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