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Greg Keyes

Gregory Keyes is a writer of science fiction and fantasy who has written both original and media-related novels under both the names J. Gregory Keyes and "Greg Keyes".

Greg Keyes was born in to a large, diverse, storytelling family. He received degrees in anthropology from Mississippi State and the University of Georgia before becoming a fulltime writer.

He lives in Savannah, Georgia.

“Shoes were invented by the Sith to keep our delicate toes in anguish and misery, I'm sure of it."-Tahiri Veila (Edge of Victory: Conquest)”
Greg Keyes
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“.. Look, I know you're probably mad at me-" "'Probably' mad at you?" Annaïg exploded. "You tried to kill me!" "Yes, I see now how that might upset you," Slyr said.”
Greg Keyes
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“I have an idea," Cazio said after a moment."What a lonely creature it must be.”
Greg Keyes
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“Anger always makes you feel good at the time. Makes you feel bigger than yourself makes you feel that everything you do is justified. But it's a trap. Corran”
Greg Keyes
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“You're bored. Two weeks without someone trying to kill us and you're bored out of your mind. Leia to Han”
Greg Keyes
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“What do you suppose Thrawn would make of the Yuuzhan Vong sir Ground Vong probably if he had a few examples of their art. Lt. Cel Wedge”
Greg Keyes
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“Wonder is my people attributing the creation of the universe to an act of dismemberment. It is avoiding true mystery through fantasy. And if the universe refuses to conform to your fantasy does it cease to be wonderful That is conceit of the highest order. Nen Yim”
Greg Keyes
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“Understanding is the essence of enlightenment. -Harrar”
Greg Keyes
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“Part of being a Jedi is setting an example."-Corran Horn to Anakin Solo”
Greg Keyes
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“Repression was the favored food of heresy.”
Greg Keyes
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“Master Yoda was wrong. If the Jedi stood for nothing but seeking balance in the Force, then [Anakin] had no business fighting the Yuuzhan Vong...were the actions of the Yuuzhan Vong, however evil they seemed, in an of themselves worth opposing if they had no affect on the Force?”
Greg Keyes
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“I am a Jedi again"-Anakin”
Greg Keyes
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“Death comes to call, you cannot hold water in your hands for long, it leaks away, goes where it's meant to go. To the soil, to the sky. To ions then space, where stars are born." ―Ikrit”
Greg Keyes
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“Anakin: "You look…different." Tahiri: "Older maybe? I'm fourteen now. Last week." Anakin: "Happy birthday." Tahiri: "You should have thought of it then, but thanks anyway. Dummy.”
Greg Keyes
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“Anakin: "Hi Tahiri." Tahiri: "Hi, yourself, great hero-from-the-stars who's too good to keep in touch with his best friend." Anakin: "I've—" Tahiri: "Been busy. Right." ―Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila”
Greg Keyes
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“Remember. You two are better than the sum of your parts. Together, you two could— No. Enough. I've said enough. Together, that's the important thing." ―Ikrit to Tahiri Veila and Anakin Solo”
Greg Keyes
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“I was drawn here for another reason, slept for centuries for another cause…to see something new born in you and Tahiri. And to give whatever small help I am able to give to see that birth arrive." ―Ikrit to Anakin Solo”
Greg Keyes
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“He couldn't control what he felt, but he could certainly control what he DID.”
Greg Keyes
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“Sometimes distance improves love. Sometimes it dissolves it. I think you deserve to know which has happened.”
Greg Keyes
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“If you had never known how good loving could be, you would not hate it so much with your husband.”
Greg Keyes
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“If wishes were teardrops the world would flood.”
Greg Keyes
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“Memory flashed, of a blue dress and a face glancing up at him, and eagerness and trepidation exchanged blows on the battlefield of his heart”
Greg Keyes
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