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Gregory Corso

“I think of New York City lost in starsforgotten as a blue haired pet of childhood love Tonight the night is full;”
Gregory Corso
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“was it man's love to screw the sky with monuments span the bay with orange and silver bridges shuttling structure into structure incorruptible in this endless tie each age impassions be it in stone or steel either in echo or halfheard ruin”
Gregory Corso
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“Ah, if I were dictator I'd have poets throwing bombs!”
Gregory Corso
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“but if a girl were possibleas I am possiblethen marriage would be possible...”
Gregory Corso
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“It is a great feeling to know that from a windowI can go to books to cans of beer to past loves.And from these gather enough dream to sneak out a back door.”
Gregory Corso
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“If you believe you're a poet, then you're saved. ”
Gregory Corso
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“I learned life were no dream I learned truth deceived Man is not God Life is a century Death an instant”
Gregory Corso
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“Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power.”
Gregory Corso
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