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Guillaume Musso

One of the most popular authors in France today. From his early childhood with reading books and plays, Guillaume Musso became convinced that one day, he too would write novels. After finishing high school in France, Guillaume Musso left for the United States at the age of 19. He spent several months in New York City, living with other young foreigners and earning his money by selling ice-cream. He came home to France with his head filled with ideas for novels. The readers can easily see the influence his time in the United States has had on him, as the action in his books takes place overseas. He currently teaches in a high school in the south of France, all the while working on his novels. His first published novel was with Editions Anne Carriere in 2001: Skidamarink, this novel did not reach out to the masses however, but his following novels published on XO Editions have all been hugely successful, some of them translated into 20 languages. His novel, Afterwards, has been adapted to the big screen and was in cinemas January 2009, starring John Malkovich, Evangeline Lily and Romain Duris.

“Jer, tamo gdje se volimo, nikada nije mrak.”
Guillaume Musso
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“She needs someone who will be everything for her: her friend, her boyfriend, her confidant, her lover and sometimes even her enemy.”
Guillaume Musso
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“It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. What scares you, is not your weaknesses, but your strengths.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Some say that you know real love when you realise the only person in the world who can console you is the one who has hurt you.”
Guillaume Musso
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“We think that some ties are so strong that they can withstand anything, but it's not true. When trust is broken, weariness sets in. Then poor choices, the deceptive lure of seduction and sorry twists of fate, all conspire to kill off love. In this type of unusual contest, the chances of winning are slim, more the exception than the rule.”
Guillaume Musso
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“In years past, to keep their men close, women would wear a ring and bear children.It doesn't work like that today.Nowadays, how do we hold on to those we love?I've no idea.”
Guillaume Musso
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“We are young, but We already know that in life's great game those who are most unhappy are those who haven't taken the risk to be happy. And I don't want to be one of those”
Guillaume Musso
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“It's scary being loved. Because life is complicated and all too often it throws you off balance by sending you the right person at the wrong time.”
Guillaume Musso
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“It seemed as if I could see things in her that others couldn't see, qualities which not even she was aware of. It was as I I could already see in her the woman she would later become.”
Guillaume Musso
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“He was the sort of guy who took a lot without giving her anything backThe more he hurt her the more desperately she loved him. Life's strange. Sometimes things happen almost as if we're punishing ourselves for some fault that we can't really identify.”
Guillaume Musso
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“They were now both ready, not to begin from scratch, but to continue with a love that had survived for thirteen years in hibernation. They were no longer travellers without baggage. They were no longer twenty. They'd both been around the block a bit and had suffered without the other. They'd both lost their way without the other. Each had tried to find love with other people.But all that was now finished.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Love is always dangerous. To love is to hope you'll win it all while running the risk that you could lose it all. And sometimes it's also about accepting that there's a risk that you'll love more than you are loved.”
Guillaume Musso
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“She was resolved to take the risk of being happy.”
Guillaume Musso
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“A rare, deep and passionate love.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Your soulmate can also be your downfall. ”
Guillaume Musso
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“He understood then that neither time nor distance had lessened his love for her.But was love that made him ache with suffering truly worth fighting for?”
Guillaume Musso
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“The whirlwind of lifeIt was true. Sometimes life was like that, a wonderful whirlwind that fills us with joy, like a ride on a merry-go-round when we are children. A whirlwind of love and drunkenness when you sleep in someones arms, in a tiny bed, getting up for breakfast at midday because you've spent the morning making love. But sometimes a whirlwind destroys things, like a violent typhoon that tries to drag us down, when we have been caught by the storm, when we realize that we have to face the tempest alone. And we are afraid.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Why was love such an addictive drug?Why did loving someone cause such suffering?”
Guillaume Musso
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“It was a relationship with occasional moments of beauty, but one that had never found it's balance.”
Guillaume Musso
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“En pleno desconcierto, se lamenta por haberse cruzado con el amor porque ahora no sabe como continuar viviendo. Cada dia se convence de que manana todo sera mejor, que el tiempo lo cura todo, pero al dia siguente se hunde todavia mas.”
Guillaume Musso
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“En ese momento cuando deberia haber tenido un hermano mayor, un padre, una madre, un buen amigo, alguien que le aconsejara precisamente que <>. Porque, cuando lo hacemos, nos arriesgamos a no poder amar nunca mas.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Nothing stays the same it all gets crushed. It all gets broken. It all passes with time. Only the moment you're in has any meaning.""There are things that stand the test of time, there are things that last. Like love.""Love theres nothing more fragile or ephereal.Love is like fire on a rainy day: you've got tospend all your time protecting it, feeding it, tending it because if you don't it goes out.""There are some loves that last.""No, what lasts is the pain that comes after love.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Nous croyons toujours aimer quelqu'un pour ce qu'il est ,nous n'aimons en fait,à travers lui ,que l'idée del'amour”
Guillaume Musso
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“Pourquoi croit-on que derrière un beau visage se cache obligatoirement une belle âme?Pourquoi vit-on à une époque ou tout le monde veut être jeune et svelte alors que, après un certain age le combat est perdu d'avance?”
Guillaume Musso
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“Rien n'est plus trompeur qu'une photo : On croit fixer un moment heureux pour l'éternité alors qu'on ne crée que de la nostalgie. On appuie sur le déclencheur, et hop, une seconde plus tard, l'instant à disparu.”
Guillaume Musso
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“On rencontre sa destinée, souvent par de chemins qu'on prend pour l'éviter. LA FONTAINE”
Guillaume Musso
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“Pero, despues de todo, algunos dicen que las historias de amor mas hermosas son aquellas que no han tenido tiempo de vivirse.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Când vine vorba de cărți și prieteni, întotdeauna e de preferat să ai puțini dar buni.”
Guillaume Musso
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“A miserable collection of little secrets, that's all any of us is. ”
Guillaume Musso
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“You'll stop hurting when you stop hoping.”
Guillaume Musso
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“He'd somehow lived a detached life, more Like a spectator than a participant in his own existence.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Even when apologising, this guy turns on the charm. And the worst thing is that it works.She had reached a point in her life where she no longer expected anything from men, though that didn't stop her from falling in love with them.”
Guillaume Musso
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“When you decide to hit rock bottom, humiliation is part of the deal.”
Guillaume Musso
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“On calm days, you always think you've conquered them. You think that in the end you've finally done them in.That you've got rid of them for good, now and forever.But that seldom happens.Most of the time, the demons are still there, lurking somewhere in the shadows.Tirelessly waiting for the moment when our guard drops.And when love goes away...”
Guillaume Musso
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“You are your own refugeThere is no otherYou cannot save anotherYou can only save yourself.”
Guillaume Musso
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“They kiss.The kiss that will change everything. Elliot will never have been happier than with this girl, funny, down to earth and bohemian, who dreamed of remaking the world as she ate her pizza.And Ilena will never have felt more beautiful than through the gaze of this mysterious and appealing boy that fate had thrown in her path in such a strange way.”
Guillaume Musso
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“so if you love him, why keep him waiting for 13 years?""Because I was afraid. Afraid of not being worthy, afraid of not knowing how to love him, afraid of waking up one day and not loving him anymore.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Now he could say for sure that he'd never known a feeling stronger than that of being at one with another person - that rare feeling of not being alone anymore.”
Guillaume Musso
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“As long as you remember the person who loved you, and whom you still love, then you're making love endure.”
Guillaume Musso
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“ Rien n’est plus trompeur qu’une photo : on croit fixer un moment heureux pour l’éternité alors qu’on ne crée que de la nostalgie ”
Guillaume Musso
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“Tout comme il existe des coups de foudre en amour, il y a quelques fois des coups de foudre en amitié”
Guillaume Musso
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“Nikada ljudi nisu tako puno komunicirali, nikada tako malo slušali jedni druge.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Martin, lui, pensa à Gabrielle. Elle était son énigme, son amour et sa blessure. Pour toujours et à jamais. Car il y a des douleurs dans la vie dont on ne peut pas guérir.”
Guillaume Musso
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“- Aimer, c'est toujours dangereux, Martin ! Aimer, c'est espérer tout gagner en risquant de tout perdre, et c'est aussi parfois accepter de prendre le risque d'être moins aimé que l'on n'aime.- Eh bien tu vois, dit-il en se levant de table, ce risque, je crois que je ne suis plus prêt à le prendre.”
Guillaume Musso
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“L'amour, tu vois, c'est comme l'oxygène, si on en manque trop longtemps on finit par en mourir. Tu m'as tellement aimée en quelques mois que j'ai eu des réserves d'amour pendant des années. Grâce à elles, j'ai pu affronter beaucoup de choses, mais j'arrive au bout de mes réserves, Martin.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Martin comprit alors que ni le temps ni la distance n'avait tempéré son amour.Mais un amour qui vous fait souffrir à en crever est-il vraiment un amour ?”
Guillaume Musso
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“Deux bolides lancés l'un vers l'autre qu'on océan sépare encore.Deux étoiles filantes qui vont entrer en collision.Des retrouvailles trop longtemps différées.Des retrouvailles dangereuses.Car l'amour et la mort n'ont que deux lettres de différence.”
Guillaume Musso
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“C'est vrai, la vie est comme ça...Tantôt un tourbillon qui nous émerveille, comme un tour de manège pendant l'enfance.Tantôt un tourbillon d'amour et d'ivresse, lorsqu'on s'endort dans les bras l'un de l'autre dans un lit trop étroit puis qu'on prend son petit déjeuner à midi parce qu'on a fait l'amour longtemps.Tantôt un tourbillon dévastateur, un typhon violent qui cherche à nous entraîner vers le fnd lorsque, pris par la tempête dans une coquille de noix, on comprend qu'on sera seul pour affronter la vague.Et que l'on a peur.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Elle ferma les yeux quelques secondes, lutta pour faire refluer son désir naissant. Elle savait que les sentiments étaient souvent plus destructeurs et dangereux qu'une balle d'un 9 mm ou que la lame tranchante d'un sabre.”
Guillaume Musso
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“Simplement te dire que, plusieurs fois, j'aurais aimé être un personnage de fiction. Parce que dans un roman ou dans un film, le héros aurait été moins maladroit pour faire comprendre à l'héroïne qu'elle lui plaisait vraiment, qu'il aimait parler avec elle et qu'il éprouvait quelque chose de spécial lorsqu'il la regardait. Un mélange de douceur, de douleur et d'intensité. Une complicité troublante, une intimité bouleversante. Quelque chose de rare, qu'il n'avait jamais ressenti avant. Quelque chose dont il ne soupçonnait même pas l'existence.”
Guillaume Musso
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