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Guillermo Del Toro

Guillermo del Toro is a Mexican director mostly known for his acclaimed films Pan's Labyrinth, The Devils Backbone, Crimson Peak and the Hellboy film franchise. His films draw heavily on sources as diverse as weird fiction, fantasy, horror, and war. In 2009, Del Toro released his debut novel, The Strain, co-authored with Chuck Hogan, as the first part of The Strain Trilogy, an apocalyptic horror series featuring vampires. The series continued with The Fall in 2010 and concluded with The Night Eternal in 2011.

“I believe in man. I believe in mankind, as the worst and the best that has happened to this world.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“for in the absence of God he had found Man. Man killing man, man helping man, both of them anonymous: the scourge and the blessing.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“But Felix was no longer Felix. He was a vampire motherfucker.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“When the power of Jesus fails you, then you know you truly are shit out of luck.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“In the medieval tradition, Beksinski seems to believe art to be a forewarning about the fragility of the flesh– whatever pleasures we know are doomed to perish– thus, his paintings manage to evoke at once the process of decay and the ongoing struggle for life. They hold within them a secret poetry, stained with blood and rust.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“We're in three living groups, 'cause even after the world's ended some assholes still can't get along.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Miriam Sacher had survived polio as a child. To Abraham, she was simply the most exquisite little bird who could not fly.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Awareness of insanity does not make one any less insane. Awareness of drowning does not make one any less of a drowning person--it only adds the burden of panic”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Well, the first thing is that I love monsters, I identify with monsters.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“In jail you learn that there are two kinds of guys in this world - and I don't care if they're human or bloodsuckers - there's the ones that take it and the ones that hand it out. And this guy, man - this guy gives it out like fucking candy . . .”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Power revealed is power sacrificed. The truly powerful exert their influence in ways unseen, unfelt. Some would say that a thing visible is a thing vulnerable.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things, but how he decides to end them.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Never fly commercial. That's the moral of this story.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“What you fought was a dead man, possessed by a disease.' - Setrakian'What--like a pinche zombie?' - Gus'Think more along the lines of a man with a black cape. Fangs. Funny accent. Now take away the cape and fangs. The funny accent. Take away anything funny about it.' - Setrakian”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Genius is the true mystery, and at its edge--the abyss.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Even if one understands that what one is doing is mad, it is indeed still madness -”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“The underground of the city is like what's underground in people. Beneath the surface, it's boiling with monsters.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“Neeva looked at the puddle of Christ's tears on the floor. When the power of Jesus fails you, then you know you truly are shit out of luck”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. Then you're not a traveler. You're a f@@king tourist.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“ all the monsters in my nursery: May you never leave me alone.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“...there's something about maternal love - it might just be the strongest human spiritual bond there is.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“So I have 8 to 10 screenplays written and unproduced. And frankly, some of them are my favorite stories. I have a Western version of The Count Of Monte Cristo where the count has a clockwork hand. I have a screenplay called Mephisto's Bridge about a Faustian deal with the devil. I love them all.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“video games are the comic books of our time... It's a medium that gains no respect among the intelligentsia".”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“You only find yourself when you disobey. Disobedience is the beginning of responsibility, I think.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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“There are two levels of vampirism: one is the regular vampire, which is just like it has always been; and then there's the super vampires, which are a new breed we've created.”
Guillermo Del Toro
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