Gustave Flaubert is counted among the greatest Western novelists. He was born in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, in the Haute-Normandie Region of France.
Flaubert's curious modes of composition favored and were emphasized by these peculiarities. He worked in sullen solitude, sometimes occupying a week in the completion of one page, never satisfied with what he had composed, violently tormenting his brain for the best turn of a phrase, the most absolutely final adjective. It cannot be said that his incessant labors were not rewarded. His private letters show that he was not one of those to whom easy and correct language is naturally given; he gained his extraordinary perfection with the unceasing sweat of his brow. One of the most severe of academic critics admits that in all his works, and in every page of his works, Flaubert may be considered a model of style.
That he was one of the greatest writers who ever lived in France is now commonly admitted, and his greatness principally depends upon the extraordinary vigour and exactitude of his style. Less perhaps than any other writer, not of France, but of modern Europe, Flaubert yields admission to the inexact, the abstract, the vaguely inapt expression which is the bane of ordinary methods of composition. He never allowed a cliché to pass him, never indulgently or wearily went on, leaving behind him a phrase which almost expressed his meaning. Being, as he is, a mixture in almost equal parts of the romanticist and the realist, the marvellous propriety of his style has been helpful to later writers of both schools, of every school. The absolute exactitude with which he adapts his expression to his purpose is seen in all parts of his work, but particularly in the portraits he draws of the figures in his principal romances. The degree and manner in which, since his death, the fame of Flaubert has extended, form an interesting chapter of literary history.
The publication of Madame Bovary in 1857 had been followed by more scandal than admiration; it was not understood at first that this novel was the beginning of something new, the scrupulously truthful portraiture of life. Gradually this aspect of his genius was accepted, and began to crowd out all others. At the time of his death he was famous as a realist, pure and simple. Under this aspect Flaubert exercised an extraordinary influence over Émile de Goncourt, Alphonse Daudet and Zola. But even after the decline of the realistic school Flaubert did not lose prestige; other facets of his genius caught the light. It has been perceived that he was not merely realistic, but real; that his clairvoyance was almost boundless; that he saw certain phenomena more clearly than the best of observers had done. Flaubert is a writer who must always appeal more to other authors than to the world at large, because the art of writing, the indefatigable pursuit of perfect expression, were always before him, and because he hated the lax felicities of improvisation as a disloyalty to the most sacred procedures of the literary artist.
He can be said to have made cynicism into an art-form, as evinced by this observation from 1846:
To be stupid, and selfish, and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless.
His Oeuvres Complètes (8 vols., 1885) were printed from the original manuscripts, and included, besides the works mentioned already, the two plays, Le Candidat and Le Château des avurs. Another edition (10 vols.) appeared in 1873–1885. Flaubert's correspondence with George Sand was published in 1884 with an introduction by Guy de Maupassant.
He has been admired or written about by almost every major literary personality of the 20th century, including philosophers such as Pierre Bourdieu. Georges Perec named Sentimental Education as one of his favou
“Amad el arte. De todas las mentiras es la menos mentirosa.”
“I believe in Supreme Being, a Creator, whoever he may be, it's of no importance to me, who put us here on earth to do our duty as citizens and fathers; but I don't need to go to church and kiss silver platters and dig into my pocket to fatten up a lot of humbugs who eat better than you or I do! Because he can be worshiped just as well in a wood, a field, or even just gazing at the ethereal vault, like the ancients.”
“The next day was, for Emma, a dismal one. Everything seemed enveloped in a black atmosphere that hovered indistinctly over the exterior of things, and sorrow rushed into her soul, moaning softly like the winter wind in abandoned manor houses. It was the sort of reverie you sink into over something that will never return again, the lassitude that overcomes you with each thing that is finished, the pain you suffer when any habitual motion is stopped, when a prolonged vibration abruptly ceases.”
“Have you really not noticed, then, that here of all places, in this private, personal solitude that surrounds me, I have turned to you? All the memories of my youth speak to me as I walk, just as the sea shells crunch under my feet on the beach. The crash of every wave awakens far-distant reverberations within me... I hear the rumble of bygone days, and in my mind the whole endless series of old passions surges forward like the billows. I remember my spasms, my sorrows, gusts of desire that whistled like wind in the rigging, and vast vague longings that swirled in the dark like a flock of wild gulls in a stormcloud... On whom should I lean, if not on you? My weary mind turns for refreshment to the thought of you as a dusty traveler might sink onto a soft and grassy bank...”
“I will cover you with love when next I see you, with caresses, with ecstasy. I want to gorge you with all the joys of the flesh, so that you faint and die. I want you to be amazed by me, and to confess to yourself that you had never even dreamed of such transports... When you are old, I want you to recall those few hours, I want your dry bones to quiver with joy when you think of them.”
“Soyez réglé dans votre vie et ordinaire comme un bourgeois, afin d'être violent et original dans vos œuvres.”
“We must not touch our idols; the gilt sticks to our fingers.”
“Has it ever happened to you," Léon went on, "to come across some vague idea of one's own in a book, some dim image that comes to you from afar, and as the completest expression of your own slightest sentiment?”
“Rodolphe ouvira tantas vezes dizer tais coisas que elas nada mais tinham de original para ele. Emma assemelhava-se a todas as suas amantes; e o encanto da novidade, caindo pouco a pouco como uma veste, deixava ver a nu a eterna monotonia da paixão que tem sempre as mesmas formas e a mesma linguagem. Aquele homem tão experiente não distinguia mais a diferença dos sentimentos sob a igualdade das expressões. Porque lábios libertinos ou venais lhe haviam murmurado frases semelhantes, ele mal acreditava em sua candura; era preciso, pensava, descontar suas palavras exageradas, escondendo as afeições medíocres: como se a plenitude da alma não transbordasse algumas vezes nas metáforas mais vazias, já que ninguém pode algum dia exprimir exatamente suas necessidades ou seus conceitos, nem suas dores e já que a palavra humana é como um caldeirão rachado, no qual batemos melodias próprias para fazer danças os ursos quando desejaríamos enternecer as estrelas.Porém, com a superioridade crítica de quem, em qualquer compromisso, se mantém na retaguarda, Rodolphe percebeu naquele amor a possibilidade de explorar outros gozos. Julgou todo pudor como algo incômodo. Tratou-a sem cerimonia. Fez dela algo de maleável e de corrompido. Era uma espécie de afeto idiota cheio de admiração para ele, de volúpia para ela, uma beatitude que a entorpecia; e sua alma afundava naquela embriaguez e nela se afogava, encarquilhada (...)”
“encontrava-se numa dessas crises em que a alma inteira mostra indistintamente o que encerra como o oceano que, nas tempestades, entreabre-se das algas das praia até a areia dos abismos.”
“Entre os apetites da carne, a ambição do dinheiro e as melancolias da paixão, tudo confundia-se num mesmo sofrimento; e em lugar de desviar seu pensamento, agarrava-se mais a ele, excitando a dor e procurando em toda a parte ocasiões para excitá-lo. Irritava-se com um prato mal servido ou com uma porta entreaberta, lamentava-se pelo veludo que não possuía, pela felicidade que lhe faltava, por seus sonhos grandes demais, por sua casa por demais acanhada.O que a exasperava era que Charles não parecia suspeitar de seu suplício. Sua convicção de que a fazia feliz parecia-lhe um insulto imbecil e sua segurança nesse ponto parecia-lhe ingratidão. Para quem então era ela sensata? Não era ele o obstáculo para qualquer felicidade, a causa de toda miséria e como o bico pontudo daquela fivela, daquela correia complexa que a fechava por todos os lados?Portanto, tranferiu somente para ele o ódio denso que resultava de seus desgostos e cada esforço para diminuí-lo serviu apenas para aumentá-lo; pois àquela dor inútil acrescentavam-se outros motivos de desespero e ela contribuía ainda mais para seu afastamento. Mesmo a doçura para consigo mesma provocava-lhe rebeliões. A mediocridade doméstica empurrava-a para fantasias luxuosas, a ternura matrimonial a desejos adúlteros. Teria desejado que Charles lhe batesse, para poder detestá-lo com maior razão, vingar-se dele. Espantava-se às vezes com as conjecturas atrozes que lhe vinham à cabeça; e seria preciso continuar a sorrir, ouvir repetir que era feliz, fingir sê-lo e deixar que acreditassem?”
“How did you expect me to live without you? Once you've known happiness it's impossible to get used to not having it. I was desperate! I thought I should die! I'll tell you all about it, you'll see... And you-- you stayed away from me!' He had been carefully avoiding her for the past three years, out of that natural cowardice that characterises the stronger sex; and Emma went on, moving her head in winsome little gestures, more affectionate than an amorous cat.”
“Speech is a rolling mill which always stretches out the feelings that go into it.”
“There was always an uncertain promise dangling in the future like a golden fruit hanging from some fantastic bough.”
“But what was making her unhappy? Where was the extraordinary catastrophe that had wrecked her life?She raised her head and looked around, as though trying to find the cause of her suffering.”
“Love, she felt, ought to come all at once, with great thunderclaps and flashes of lightning; it was like a storm bursting upon life from the sky, uprooting it, overwhelming the will, and sweeping the heart into the abyss. It did not occur to her that rain forms puddles on a flat roof when the drainpipes are clogged, and she would have continued to feel secure if she had not suddenly discovered a crack in the wall.”
“What could be better than to sit besides the fire with a book and a glowing lamp while the wind beats outside the windows...”
“One event sometimes had infinite ramifications and could change the whole settings of a person's life.”
“He leaned against the writing desk and stayed there till nightfall, lost in sorrowful thoughts. After all, she had loved him.”
“Iced champagne was poured out. Emma shivered all over as she felt it cold in her mouth. She had never seen pomegranates nor tasted pine-apples. The powdered sugar even seemed to her whiter and finer than elsewhere.”
“Emigres: Earned their livelihood by giving guitar lessons and mixing salads.”
“Motionless we traverse countries we fancy we see, and your thought, blending with the fiction, playing with the details, follows the outline of the adventures. It mingles with the characters, and it seems as if it were yourself palpitating beneath their costumes.”
“Разочарованието е присъщо на слабите. Не се доверявайте на разочарованите- те са почти винаги безсилни.”
“The most exaggerated speeches usually hid the weakest of feelings - as though the fullness of the soul did not overflow into the emptiest phrases, since no one can ever express the exact measure of his needs, his conceptions or his sorrows, and human speech is like a cracked pot on which we beat out rhythms for bears to dance to when we are striving to make music that will wring tears from the stars”
“Oh, if I had been loved at the age of seventeen, what an idiot I would be today. Happiness is like smallpox: if you catch it too soon, it can completely ruin your constitution.”
“Of all possible debauches, traveling is the greatest that I know; that's the one they invented when they got tired of all the others.”
“Happy are they whose pens fly across the page; I myself hesitate, I falter. I become angry and fearful. My drive diminishes as my taste improves. I brood more over an ill-suited word than I rejoice over a well proportioned paragraph.”
“Read in oreder to live”
“Ella sólo pedía apoyarse en algo más sólido que el amor.”
“Beautiful things spoil nothing.”
“Charles's conversation was commonplace as a street pavement, and everyone's ideas trooped through it in their everyday garb, without exciting emotion, laughter, or thought. He had never had the curiosity, he said, while he lived at Rouen, to go to the theatre to see the actors from Paris. He could neither swim, nor fence, nor shoot, and one day he could not explain some term of horsemanship to her that she had come across in a novel.A man, on the contrary, should he not know everything, excel in manifold activities, initiate you into the energies of passion, the refinements of life, all mysteries? But this one taught nothing, knew nothing, wished nothing. He thought her happy; and she resented this easy calm, this serene heaviness, the very happiness she gave him.”
“J'ai toujours tâché de vivre dans une tour d'ivoire; mais une marée de merde en bat les murs”
“Dans leurs regards indifférents flottait la quiétude de passions journellement assouvies ; et, à travers leurs manières douces, perçait cette brutalité particulière que communique la domination de choses à demi faciles, dans lesquelles la force s'exerce et où la vanité s'amuse, le maniement des chevaux de race et la société des femmes perdues.”
“Era la enamorada de todas las novelas, la heroína de todos los dramas, el vago “ella” de todos los volúmenes de versos. Encontraba en sus hombros el color ambarino de la odalisca en el baño, tenía el largo corpiño de las castellanas feudales; se parecía también a la mujer pálida de Barcelona ¡Pero por encima de todo era un ángel!”
“Y ya sentía en su corazón esa docilidad cobarde que es, para muchas mujeres, a la vez el castigo y el precio del adulterio.”
“For him the universe did not extend beyond the circumference of her petticoat.”
“you must - do you hear me, young man? - you must work more than you are doing!”
“León estaba cansado de amar sin resultados; además comenzaba a sentir esa postración que causa en una la repetición de la misma vida, cuando ningún interés la dirige y ninguna esperanza la sostiene.”
“Souvent, en regardant le soleil, je me suis dit « Pourquoi viens-tu chaque jour éclairer tant de souffrances, découvrir tant de douleurs, présider à tant de sottes misères ? »”
“Les deux femmes, vêtues de noir, remirent le corps dans le lit de ma sœur, elles jetèrent dessus des fleurs et de l’eau bénite, puis, lorsque le soleil eut fini de jeter dans l’appartement sa lueur rougeâtre et terne comme le regard d’un cadavre, quand le jour eut disparu de dessus les vitres, elles allumèrent deux petites bougies qui étaient sur la table de nuit, s’agenouillèrent et me dirent de prier comme elles.Je priai, oh ! bien fort, le plus qu’il m’était possible ! mais rien… Lélia ne remuait pas !Je fus longtemps ainsi agenouillé, la tête sur les draps du lit froids et humides, je pleurais, mais bas et sans angoisses ; il me semblait qu’en pensant, en pleurant, en me déchirant l’âme avec des prières et des vœux, j’obtiendrais un souffle, un regard, un geste de ce corps aux formes indécises et dont on ne distinguait rien si ce n’est, à une place, une forme ronde qui devait être La tête, et plus bas une autre qui semblait être les pieds. Je croyais, moi, pauvre naïf enfant, je croyais que la prière pouvait rendre la vie à un cadavre, tant j’avais de foi et de candeur !Oh ! on ne sait ce qu’a d’amer et de sombre une nuit ainsi passée à prier sur un cadavre, à pleurer, à vouloir faire renaître le néant ! On ne sait tout ce qu’il y a de hideux et d’horrible dans une nuit de larmes et de sanglots, à la lueur de deux cierges mortuaires, entouré de deux femmes aux chants monotones, aux larmes vénales, aux grotesques psalmodies ! On ne sait enfin tout ce que cette scène de désespoir et de deuil vous remplit le cœur : enfant, de tristesse et d’amertume ; jeune homme, de scepticisme ; vieillard, de désespoir !Le jour arriva.Mais quand le jour commença à paraître, lorsque les deux cierges mortuaires commençaient à mourir aussi, alors ces deux femmes partirent et me laissèrent seul. Je courus après elles, et me traînant à leurs pieds, m’attachant à leurs vêtements :— Ma sœur ! leur dis-je, eh bien, ma sœur ! oui, Lélia ! où est-elle ?Elles me regardèrent étonnées.— Ma sœur ! vous m’avez dit de prier, j’ai prié pour qu’elle revienne, vous m’avez trompé !— Mais c’était pour son âme !Son âme ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifiait ? On m’avait souvent parlé de Dieu, jamais de l’âme.Dieu, je comprenais cela au moins, car si l’on m’eût demandé ce qu’il était, eh bien, j’aurais pris La linotte de Lélia, et, lui brisant la tête entre mes mains, j’aurais dit : « Et moi aussi, je suis Dieu ! » Mais l’âme ? l’âme ? qu’est-ce cela ?J’eus la hardiesse de le leur demander, mais elles s’en allèrent sans me répondre.Son âme ! eh bien, elles m’ont trompé, ces femmes. Pour moi, ce que je voulais, c’était Lélia, Lélia qui jouait avec moi sur le gazon, dans les bois, qui se couchait sur la mousse, qui cueillait des fleurs et puis qui les jetait au vent ; c’était Lelia, ma belle petite sœur aux grands yeux bleus, Lélia qui m’embrassait le soir après sa poupée, après son mouton chéri, après sa linotte. Pauvre sœur ! c’était toi que je demandais à grands cris, en pleurant, et ces gens barbares et inhumains me répondaient : « Non, tu ne la reverras pas, tu as prié non pour elle, mais tu as prié pour son âme ! quelque chose d’inconnu, de vague comme un mot d’une langue étrangère ; tu as prié pour un souffle, pour un mot, pour le néant, pour son âme enfin ! »Son âme, son âme, je la méprise, son âme, je la regrette, je n’y pense plus. Qu’est-ce que ça me fait à moi, son âme ? savez-vous ce que c’est que son âme ? Mais c’est son corps que je veux ! c’est son regard, sa vie, c’est elle enfin ! et vous ne m’avez rien rendu de tout cela.Ces femmes m’ont trompé, eh bien, je les ai maudites.Cette malédiction est retombée sur moi, philosophe imbécile qui ne sais pas comprendre un mot sans L’épeler, croire à une âme sans la sentir, et craindre un Dieu dont, semblable au Prométhée d’Eschyle, je brave les coups et que je méprise trop pour blasphémer.”
“J'ai regardé à ma montre, et j'ai calculé combien de temps il me restait à vivre ; j'ai vu que j'avais encore une heure à peine. Il me reste assez de papier sur ma table pour retracer à la hête tous les souvenirs de ma vie et toutes les circonstances qui ont influé sur cet enchaînement stupide et logique de jours et de nuits , de larmes et de rires, qu'on a coutume d'appeler l'existence d'un homme.”
“¡Qué cosa mejor, en efecto, que estar en casa por la noche con un libro junto al fuego, mientras el viento bate los vidrios y la lámpara se consume!”
“Toda la amargura de la existencia le parecía servida en su plato, y, con el humo del cocido, subían desde el fondo de su alma algo así como otras bocanadas del hastío”
“At last she sighed."But the most wretched thing — is it not? — is to drag out, as I do, a useless existence. If our pains were only of some use to someone, we should find consolation in the thought of the sacrifice.”
“Why was it? Who drove you to it?'She replied, 'It had to be, my dear!''Weren't you happy? Is it my fault? I did all I could!''Yes, that is true — you are good — you.”
“The idea of bringing someone into the world fills me with horror. I would curse myself if I were a father. A son of mine! Oh no, no, no! May my entire flesh perish and may I transmit to no one the aggravations and the disgrace of existence.”
“Comment était ce Paris? Quel nom démesuré! Elle se le répétait à demi-voix, pour se faire plaisir; il sonnait à ses oreilles comme un bourdon de cathédrale, il flamboyait à ses yeux jusque sur l’étiquette de ses pots de pommade.”
“I go from exasperation to a state of collapse, then I recover and go from prostration to Fury, so that my average state is one of being annoyed.”
“...Emma still had a joyless look, and, habitually, at the corners of her mouth, she had that tightness that crumples the faces of old maids and bankrupts.”
“And so I will take back up my poor life, so plain and so tranquil, where phrases are adventures and the only flowers I gather are metaphors.”