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Guy Gavriel Kay

“He wanted to achieve something of surpassing beauty that would last. A creation that would mean that he--the mosaic worker Caius Crispus of Varena--had been born, and lived a life, and had come to understand a portion of the nature of the world, of what ran through and beneath the deeds of women and men in their souls and in the beauty and the pain of their short living beneath the sun.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“No man ever truly possesses a woman, anyhow," said Gidas moodily. "He has her body for a time if he's lucky, but only the most fleeting glimpse into her soul." Gidas was a poet, or wanted to be.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Words were power, words tried to change you, to shape bridges of longing that no one could ever really cross.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“most hated by the dark, for their name is light.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Winter was coming.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“The heart has its own laws... and the truth is... the truth is that you are the law of mine.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“The privacy of pride.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“She was owner and captive, both, of a bitterly divided heart.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“I have been made to realize tonight that there are limits to what I wish to do or see done for any cause.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“What mortal knew the way their fate line would run?”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“She had been a solitary child, and then solitary as a woman, drawn into an orbit of her own that took her away from others, even those who would be her friends.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“If this is truly the time that will decide, we have no business refusing people who feel the way we do. No right to decide that they must huddle in their homes waiting to see if they are still slaves or not when the summer ends.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“She had come to accept, deeply, and with certitude, that she had been born into a world, a life, that would not let her be whole.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“You have no idea how dearly I wish you were of my blood. My daughter, granddaughter. Will you allow me to take pride in what you are?"-- Sandre to Catriana”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“I will not say I am sorry, but I can tell you that I grieve.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“A hand fought best when it made a fist.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Only then, invisible to everyone and with her curtains drawn, did she allow her tears to fall: in love, and for his hurts, and in terrible pride.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“... everyone knew that all islands were worlds unto themselves, that to come to an island was to come to another world.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“By things so achingly small are lives measured and marred.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Thunderstorms were common in Sarantium on midsummer nights, sufficiently so to make plausible the oft-repeated tale that the Emperor Apius passed to the god in the midst of a towering storm, with lightning flashing and rolls of thunder besieging the Holy City. Even Pertennius of Eubulus, writing only twenty years after, told the story this way, adding a statue of the Emperor toppling before the bronze gates to the Imperial Precinct and an oak tree split asunder just outside the landward walls. Writers of history often seek the dramatic over the truth. It is a failing of the profession.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“For some moments the two men sat quietly, each wrapped in his own thoughts, then Ivor rose. 'I should speak to Levon about tomorrow's hunt,' he said. 'Sixteen [eltors], I think.''At least,' the shaman said in an aggrieved tone. 'I could eat a whole one myself. We haven't feasted in a long time, Ivor.'Ivor snorted. 'A very long time, you greedy old man. Twelve whole days...why aren't you fat?''Becaues,' the wisest one explained patiently, 'you never have enough food at the feasts.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“One didn't stop to talk with creatures from one's nightmares.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“We salvage what we can, what truly matters to us, even at the gates of despair.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“A coragem residia em lutar para tentar ultrapassar esse medo, em erguer-se para fazer o que tinha de ser feito.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Sometimes you didn't really arrive at a conclusion about your life, you just discovered that you already had.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“A hard truth: that courage can be without meaning or impact, need not be rewarded, or even known. The world has not been made in that way. Perhaps, however, within the self there might come a resonance, the awareness of having done something difficult, of having done . . . something.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Just now, high above the chaos of Sarantium, it seemed as if there were so many things he wanted to honour or exalt- or take to task, if it came to that, for there was no need for, no justice in, children dying of plague, or young girls being cut into pieces in the forest, or sold in grief for winter grain.If this was the world as the god- or gods- had made it, then mortal man, this mortal man, could acknowledge that and honour the power and infinite majesty that lay within it, but he would not say that it was right, or bow down as if he were only dust or a brittle leaf blown from an autumn tree, helpless in the wind.He might be, all men and women might be as helpless as that leaf, but he would not admit it, and he would do something here on the dome that said- or aspired to say- these things, and more.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Dave hung up. And unplugged the phone. With a fierce and bitter pain he stared at it, watching how, over and over again, it didn't ring.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Bright star of Eanna, forgive me the manner of this, but you are the harbor of my soul’s journeying.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Eyyia?" said her husband, and Eliane bet Danel heard the mangling of her name as music."You sound like a marsh frog," she said, moving to stand before his chair.By the flickering light she saw him smile."Where have you been," she asked. "My dear. I've needed you so much.""Eyyia," he tried again, and stood up. His eyes were black hollows. They would always be hollows.He opened his arms and she moved into the space they made in the world, and laying her head against his chest she permitted herself the almost unimaginable luxury of grief.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Branching paths. The turning of days and seasons and years. Life offered you love sometimes, sorrow often. If you were very fortunate, true friendship. Sometimes war came.You did what you could to shape your own peace, before you crossed over to the night and left the world behind, as all men did, to be forgotten or remembered, as time or love allowed.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Truth" when examining events and records of the past was always precarious, uncertain. No man could say for certain how the river of time would have flowed, cresting or receding, bringing floods or gently watering fields, had a single event, or even many, unfolded differently.It is in the nature of existence under heaven, the dissenting scholars wrote, that we cannot know these things with clarity. We cannot live twice, or watch as moments of the past unfurl, like a courtesan's silk fan. The river flows, the dancers finish their dance. If the music starts again it is starting anew, not repeating itself.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“There was some sadness in how that could happen, Tai thought: falling out of love with something that had shaped you. Or even people who had? But if you didn't change at least a little, where were the passages of a life? Didn't learning, changing, sometimes mean letting go of what had once been seen as true?”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“The world could bring you poison in a jewelled cup, or surprising gifts. Sometimes you didn't know which of them it was.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Eanna love us, Adaon preserve us, Morian guard our souls.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“He had a sense—honed by experience—that what he’d contrived might achieve something of the effect he wanted. That, Martinius had always said, was the best any man in this fallible world could expect. [p. 67]”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“We worship…the powers that speak to our souls, if it seems they do. We do so knowing there is more to the world, and the half-world, and perhaps worlds beyond, than we can grasp. We always knew that. We can’t even stop children from dying, how would we presume to understand the truth of things? Behind things? Does the presence of one power deny another? [p. 176]”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“How we remember changes how we have lived.Time runs both ways. We make stories of our lives.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“One man sees a riselka: his life forks there. Two men see a riselka: one of them shall die. Three men see a riselka: one is blessed, one forks, one shall die.One woman sees a riselka: her path comes clear to her. Two women see a riselka: one of them shall bear a child. Three women see a riselka: one is blessed, one is clear, one shall bear a child.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“In this world, where we find ourselves, we need compassion more than anything, I think, or we are all alone.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“She lifted her hands and closed them around his head... and it seemed to Catriana in that moment as if that newborn trialla in her soul began to sing. Of trials endured and trials to come, of doubt and dark and all the deep uncertainties that defined the outer boundaries of mortal life, but with love now present at the base of it all, like light, like the first stone of a rising tower. ”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Do you know the wish of your heart?" - The Darkest Road”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Full moon is falling through the sky.Cranes fly through clouds.Wolves howl. I cannot find restBecause I am powerlessTo amend a broken world.Sima Zian added, "I love the man who wrote that, I told you before, but there is so much burden in Chan Du. Duty, assuming all tasks, can betray arrogance. The idea we can know what must be done, and do it properly. We cannot know the future, my friend. It claims so much to imagine we can. And the world is not broken any more than it always, always is.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“The deeds of men, as footprints in the desert.Nothing under the circling moons is fated to last.Even the sun goes down.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Praise be to the Weaver and all the gods!' said Shalhassan of Cathal. 'Finally she's done something adult!”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“If you so much as start to bow or anything like that, Dave, I'll beat you up. I swear I will.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Unless the perfidious wolves have the temerity to disobey the High King's plans, we should meet Shalhassan's forces by the Latham in mid-wood with the wolves between us. If they aren't,' Diarmuid concluded, 'we blame anyone and everything except the plan.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“It was Aileron who saw the light blaze in Arthur's face. The Warrior leaped from his horse down into the road and, at the top of his great voice, cried 'Cavall!'Bracing his legs, he opened wide his arms and was knocked flying, nonetheless, by the wild leap of the dog. Over and over they rolled, the dog yelping in intoxicated delight, the Warrior mock growling in his chest. . . . This is' asked Aileron with gentle irony, 'your dog?”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“Brightly woven, Diar,' Aileron said. And then dazzled them all with the warmth of his smile.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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“And Shalhassan of Cathal realized in that moment, standing between the fair brother and the dark, that he was not going to lead this war after all.”
Guy Gavriel Kay
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