Harvey A. Dorfman (May 21, 1935 – February 28, 2011) was best known as an mental skills/sports psychology coach who worked in education and psychology as a teacher, counselor, coach, and consultant. Prior to starting a business as a mental skills coach, he lived in Manchester, Vermont. He also wrote for a local paper, taught English, and coached basketball at Burr and Burton Seminary (now Academy). He earned World Series Championship rings by serving as a mental skills coach for the 1989 Oakland A's and the 1997 Florida Marlins. In 1999, Dorfman became a full-time consultant teaching the skills of sport psychology and staff development for the Scott Boras Corporation, an agency that represents professional baseball players. He also worked as a freelance journalist and lectured at major universities and corporations on psychlogy, self-enhancement, management strategies, and leadership training. Through his books and his teaching experience, he helped thousands of people get more of what they wanted from life through his tough love and clear insight. Some baseball greats give him credit for their success in life as well as in baseball. He died on February 28, 2011
“Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear -- and doubt.”