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“Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out in the vast field of light And let it breathe.”
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“Run my dear, From anything That may not strengthen Your precious budding wings. Run like hell my dear, From anyone likely To put a sharp knife Into the sacred, tender vision Of your beautiful heart.”
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“Run my dear,From anythingThat may not strengthenYour precious budding wings.”
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“Build a House for men and birds.Sit with them and play music.For a day, for just one day,talk about that which disturbs no oneand bring some peace,my friend,into your beautiful eyes.”
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“Not even seven thousands years of joy can justify seven days of repression.”
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“Follow my tracks in the sand that leadBeyond thought and space.”
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“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your being.”
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“How seamless seemed love and then came trouble!”
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“Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.”
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“In times of youth, drinking is better.With the joyful, linking is better.The world is a mere temporal inn;With the shipwrecked, sinking is better.”
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“TRIPPING OVER JOYWhat is the differenceBetween your experience of ExistenceAnd that of a saint?The saint knowsThat the spiritual pathIs a sublime chess game with GodAnd that the BelovedHas just made such a Fantastic MoveThat the saint is now continuallyTripping over JoyAnd bursting out in LaughterAnd saying, “I Surrender!”Whereas, my dear,I am afraid you still thinkYou have a thousand serious moves.”
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“We should make all spiritual talk Simple today:God is trying to sell you something,But you don’t want to buy.That is what your suffering is:Your fantastic haggling,Your manic screaming over the price!”
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“Emtehan kon ke basi jame moradat bedahand Gkharabi cho mara lotfe to abad konad”
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“The way is full of perils and the goal far out of sight.There is no road to which there is no end, do not despair.”
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“شب تاریک و بیم موج و گردابی چنین هایلکجا دانند حال ما سبکباران ساحل ها”
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