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“True art awakens theExtraordinaryOvation”
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“Your love should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger / Only to someone who has the valor and daring to cut pieces of their soul off with a knife / Then weave them into a blanket to protect you.”
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“Why not become the oneWho lives with a full moon in each eyeThat is always saying,With that sweet moon LanguageWhat every other eye in this worldIs dying to Hear?”
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“An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.”
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“It is written on the gate of heaven: Nothing in existence is more powerful than destiny. And destiny brought you here, to this page, which is part of your ticket-as all things are-to return to God.”
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“The earth has disappeared beneath my feet, It fled from all my ecstasy. Now like a singing air creature I feel the rose keep opening.”
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“This place where you are right now God has circled on a map for you.”
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“...Fear is the cheapest room in the house.I would like to see you livingIn better conditions.For your mother and my motherWere friends....”
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“Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly. Let it cut you more deep. Let it ferment and season you as few humans and even divine ingredients can. Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft, my voice so tender, my need for God absolutely clear.”
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“Let's get loosewith compassion.Let's drown in the deliciousambiance oflove.”
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“All these words are just a front. What I would really like to do is chain you to my body, then sing for days and days and days.”
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“Good poetry makes the universe reveal a secret.”
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“And the sun and the moon sometimes argue over who will tuck me in at night. If you think I am having more fun than anyone on this planet, you are absolutely correct.”
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“You carry/All the ingredients/To turn your life into a nightmare--/Don't mix them!”
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“Your heart and my heartare very, very old friends.”
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“‎"Stay close to any sounds that make you glad you are alive.”
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“Here is the candle extinguished and there the living lamp of the Sun! Do mark the difference between the one and the other!”
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“And still, after all this time,The sun never says to the earth,"You owe Me."Look what happens withA love like that,It lights the Whole Sky.”
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“Let's offer flowers, pour a cup of libation,split open the skies and start anew on creation.If the forces of grief invade our lovers' veins,cupbearer and I will wash away this temptation.With rose water we'll mellow crimson wine's bitter cup;we'll sugar the fire to sweeten smoke's emanation.Take this fine lyre, musician, strike up a love song;let's dance, sing all night, go wild in celebration.As dust, 0 West Wind, let us rise to the Heavens,floating free in Creator's glow of elation.If mind desires to return while heart cries to stay,here's a quarrel for love's deliberation.Alas, these words and songs go for naught in this land;come, Hafez, let's create a new generation.”
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“One regret, dear world, That I am determined not to have When I am lying on my deathbed Is that I did not kiss you enough. a”
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“I KNOW THE WAY YOU CAN GETI know the way you can getWhen you have not had a drink of Love: Your face hardens,Your sweet muscles cramp.Children become concernedAbout a strange look that appears in your eyesWhich even begins to worry your own mirrorAnd nose. Squirrels and birds sense your sadnessAnd call an important conference in a tall tree.They decide which secret code to chantTo help your mind and soul. Even angels fear that brand of madnessThat arrays itself against the worldAnd throws sharp stones and spears intoThe innocentAnd into one's self. O I know the way you can getIf you have not been drinking Love: You might rip apartEvery sentence your friends and teachers say,Looking for hidden clauses. You might weigh every word on a scaleLike a dead fish. You might pull out a ruler to measureFrom every angle in your darknessThe beautiful dimensions of a heart you onceTrusted. I know the way you can getIf you have not had a drink from Love'sHands. That is why all the Great Ones speak ofThe vital needTo keep remembering God,So you will come to know and see HimAs being so PlayfulAnd Wanting,Just Wanting to help. That is why Hafiz says:Bring your cup near me.For all I care aboutIs quenching your thirst for freedom! All a Sane man can ever care aboutIs giving Love!”
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“There is a Beautiful CreatureLiving in a hole you have dug.So at nightI set fruit and grainsAnd little pots of wine and milkBesides your soft earthen mounds,And I often sing.But still, my dear,You do not come out.I have fallen in love with SomeoneWho hides inside you.We should talk about this problem--Otherwise,I will never leave you alone.”
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“The words you speak become the house you live in.”
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“I am the hole on the flute that Gods breath flows through.”
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“Fear is the cheapest room in the house.I would like to see you livingIn better conditions.”
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“I should not make any promises right now,But I know if youPraySomewhere in this world -Something good will happen.”
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“Even After All this timeThe Sun never says to the Earth,"You owe me."LookWhat happensWith a love like that,It lights the whole sky.”
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“You need to become a pen in the Sun's hand. We need for the earth to sing through our pores and eyes.”
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“What we speak becomes the house we live in.”
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“You see my state, and still increase my painI see your face, the need for union regain.For my welfare, you have no care, I complainWhy do you heal me not from the sickness I disdain?You bring me down and leave me on the earthly plane;Return me to my home, by your side let me remain.Only when I’m dust, your mercy can entertain;Your flowing spirit stirs up dust of the slain.Heartbroken of your love, from breathing I abstainMy life you destroy, yet my breathing you sustain.In the dark night of the soul, I was growing insane,Drinking from the cups that your features contain.Suddenly in my arms, you appeared, clear, plain;With my lips on your lips, my life and soul gain and drain.Be joyful with Hafiz, with love enemies detain,With such potent love, impotent foes self-restrain.مرا می‌بینی و هر دم زیادت می‌کـنی دردم تو را می‌بینـم و میلـم زیادت می‌شود هر دم بـه سامانم نمی‌پرسی نمی‌دانم چه سر داری بـه درمانـم نـمی‌کوشی نمی‌دانی مگر دردم نه راه است این که بگذاری مرا بر خاک و بگریزی گذاری آر و بازم پرس تا خاک رهـت گردم ندارم دستت از دامن بجز در خاک و آن دم هـم کـه بر خاکـم روان گردی به گرد دامنـت گردم فرورفـت از غم عشقت دمم دم می‌دهی تا کی دمار از مـن برآوردی نـمی‌گویی برآوردم شـبی دل را به تاریکی ز زلفت باز می‌جستـم رخـت می‌دیدم و جامی هـلالی باز می‌خوردم کـشیدم در برت ناگاه و شد در تاب گیسویت نـهادم بر لـبـت لـب را و جان و دل فدا کردم تو خوش می‌باش با حافظ برو گو خصم جان می‌ده چو گرمی از تو می‌بینم چه باک از خصم دم سردم”
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“There are different wells within your heart.Some fill with each good rain,Others are far too deep for that.In one wellYou have just a few precious cups of water,That "love" is literally something of yourself,It can grow as slow as a diamondIf it is lost.Your loveShould never be offered to the mouth of aStranger,Only to someoneWho has the valor and daringTo cut pieces of their soul off with a knifeThen weave them into a blanketTo protect you.There are different wells within us.Some fill with each good rain,Others are far, far too deepFor that.”
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“now is the season to know that everything you do is sacred”
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“what is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts? It is the glorious sound of a soul waking up!”
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“I am a hole in a flute that the Christ's breath moves through.....listen to this music”
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“The moon asked me to meet her in a field tonight. I think she has amorous ideas.”
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“This place where you are right now,God circled on a map for you.”
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“A poet is someone who can pour light into a cup, then raise it to nourish your beautiful parched, holy mouth.”
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