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Haley Tanner

Haley Tanner was born in New York City (in the Bronx!) and raised on a lovely street in a house her father (most famous as the superhero Astroman, the man who can do anything) built with his own two hands. Haley's mother was named one of Forbes 100 Mothers to Emulate in recognition for her love, support, and understanding during the years that Haley was a Police Dispatcher/Parliamentary Assistant/Waitress/Bank Teller/Tutor who was also hard at work on a novel, which could have turned out to be crap, for all anyone knew. In her spare time Haley enjoys being terrible at yoga, running slowly, and cuddling whatever dog she can get her hands on. Haley currently lives in Brooklyn, under the shadow of the Williamsburg Bridge, with her rescued pug Mojini Jane and the most beautiful Tennessee mutt this side of the Mason Dixon line, Ruthie Catfish. Haley's husband Gavin recently ditched a six year battle against cancer to rejoin the star stuff we are all made of, and she lives surrounded by the sense of wonder and joy and possibility he left behind, as well as a ton of gorgeous furniture he made out of reclaimed wood.

“Maybe this is how it always is. Maybe someone always wants more. Maybe everyone has a time when they realise that they've been accidentally lying when they say I love you, I miss you, you're pretty, you're the prettiest one, I never want you to leave. Maybe this time ends and it all becomes true again, as true as you ever thought it was. Maybe this time does not end. If this time ends, it would be a smart decision to wait it out. If it does not end, then perhaps you should not wait, and you should find another person to whom you can say these things without lying. But perhaps it always happens, no matter which girl or boy you are trying to love, in which case you might as well stay where you are because you would repeat the same process with anyone else.”
Haley Tanner
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“Decide di dare una risposta falsa, perché lo imbarazza dire che cosa salverebbe davvero da un incendio. La cosa che davvero salverebbe in caso d'incendio è Lena.”
Haley Tanner
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“. . . and Vaclav's special new shoes with the lights on the heels and the Velcro everywhere, because in America no one, not even small children, has time to tie his own shoes, and everything must have flashing lights.”
Haley Tanner
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“Lena's real mom, Emily, knew that this was not the truth, but she also knew that Vaclav was not lying.Vaclav knew that he was telling the truth.Lena knew that it was a lie, but she loved it and believed it, like a fairy tale, like a song, like a bedtime story, like a magic trick.She loved Vaclav until it became the truth and so it was.”
Haley Tanner
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“Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. [...] He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her.”
Haley Tanner
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“Forse è sempre così. Forse c'è sempre uno dei due che vuole di più. Forse arriva per tutti il momento in cui ci si rende conto di aver involontariamente mentito dicendo ti amo, mi manchi, sei bella, sei la più bella, non vorrei mai che te ne andassi. Forse quel momento passa e tutto torna vero, vero quanto hai sempre pensato che fosse. O forse non passa. Se il momento passa, sarebbe saggio decidere di aspettare con calma. Se non passa, allora forse non bisognerebbe aspettare: bisognerebbe trovare un'altra persona alla quale si possono dire quelle cose senza mentire. Ma forse succede sempre, chiunque si cerchi di amare, nel qual caso si può benissimo restare dove si è, perché con chiunque altro si ripeterebbe lo stesso processo. (Pag. 163, Cose da salvare in caso d'incendio)”
Haley Tanner
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