Halford John Mackinder photo

Halford John Mackinder

Sir Halford John Mackinder (1861 – 1947) was an English geographer, academic, politician, the first Principal of University Extension College, Reading (which became the University of Reading) and Director of the London School of Economics. In January 1910 he was elected to Parliament as Liberal Unionist Party member for the Glasgow Camlachie constituency and was defeated in 1922.

Mackinder's work paved the way for the establishment of geography as a distinct discipline in the United Kingdom. His role in fostering the teaching of geography is probably greater than that of any other single English geographer. He became a full professor in Geography in the University of London (London School of Economics) in 1923.

“Man and not nature initiates, but nature in large measure controls.”
Halford John Mackinder
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“For the first time we can perceive something of the real proportion of features and events on the stage of the whole world, and may seek a formula which shall express certain aspects, at any rate, of geographical causation in universal history.”
Halford John Mackinder
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“Knowledge is one. Its division into subjects is a concession to human weakness.”
Halford John Mackinder
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