Hamilton C. Burger photo

Hamilton C. Burger

Always a reader, I inhaled books during my days of extensive world travel. Before the Nook and Kindle, even before laptops became the norm, I would pack six or eight paperbacks for an extended trip.

I think the desire to write has always been in me. The first step is the hardest part of the journey. Since I took that step, I haven't looked back.

In my journey, I have met many authors whose support and friendship have taken some of the twists and turns out of the road.

I have been married 33 years. My wife and I have two beautiful daughters, Katie and Maddie.

Besides writing, I love to cook, travel, drive my Corvette. I have a dog and two cats...and a rat named Arlo.

“Sometimes the waves come and wash away the sand so we can see the rock that make us stumble.”
Hamilton C. Burger
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