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Hank Edwards

Hank Edwards (he/him) has been writing gay fiction for more than twenty years. He has published over thirty novels and dozens of short stories. His books fall into many sub-genres, including romance, rom-com, contemporary, paranormal, suspense, mystery, and wacky comedy. He has written a number of series such as the suspenseful Up to Trouble, funny and spooky paranormal out for you gay romance Critter Catchers, Old West historical horror of Venom Valley, the erotic and funny Fluffers, Inc. series, and the funny and thrilling Lacetown Murder Mysteries series co-written with Deanna Wadsworth. Under the pen name R. G. Thomas, he’s published a young adult urban fantasy gay romance series called The Town of Superstition. No matter what genre he writes, Hank likes to keep things sweet, steamy, and fun.

Join his author group on Facebook (www.facebook.com/groups/hankshangout), visit his website at www.hankedwardsbooks.com or send along an email to [email protected].

“Evan saw a man across the kitchen, butt leaning against the counter, muscular arms folded over his broad chest. His blond hair was cut very short, and his eyes were bright blue sparks. Evan’s gaze locked with Paul’s, and a sudden sense of vertigo swam through his head. The conversation in the other room, the back and forth between John and Alden, the startling brilliance of Bill’s teeth -- all of that faded away as Paul stared back at him. Evan found himself inside a strange bubble that blocked all outside stimuli. He had never experienced a connection this intense before, especially with an initial look, and even though it terrified him in a thrillingly sexual way, he didn’t dare pull his gaze away from Paul’s for fear of breaking the timeless moment between them.”
Hank Edwards
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“It took a long moment, but Gerard finally raised his head and looked Jon in the eye. “It meant that I have not been honest with you, Jon Calder, and if you are to understand the danger you are in now, I must tell you everything, no matter if you believe me or not.”
Hank Edwards
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“Charlie squinted in the glare of the sun. “Are you a member of the crew?” He stepped forward and shaded his eyes.“In a manner of speaking,” the man replied. “I’m Rock Harding.”“Oh, nice to meet you.”
Hank Edwards
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“What’s your name, Farm Boy?”“Charlie Heggensford, ma’am.” He stuck out his hand and she smiled as she shook it.”
Hank Edwards
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“Pearce leaned in over the table to lock eyes with Mark. “Look, Mr. Beecher, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together for the next week, got it? And when you think about it, I’m the only thing standing between you and a bullet in your head, so you might want to start being a little nicer and a lot more cooperative, okay?”
Hank Edwards
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