Hardy Amies photo

Hardy Amies

Edwin Hardy Amies was born in Maida Vale, London and educated in Essex at Brentwood School, which he left in 1927.

His father wanted him to go to Cambridge University but he had his heart set on being a journalist. And through the suggestion of the editor of the Daily Express he travelled Europe learning French and German and working for a customs agent.

He returned to England where he became a sales assistant in a ceramic wall-tile factory, and then a trainee weight machine salesman with W & T Avery Ltd. in Birmingham.

His mother had many contacts in the fashion world and through these he became managing director of the Mayfair couture house Lachasse on Farm Street, Berkeley Square; it was 1934 and he was just 25.

He served in the Special Operations Executive in World War II and in 1946 he was knighted in Belgium as a Named Officier de l'Ordre de la Couronne.

After the war the Countess of Jersey financed a move to Savile Row for him and in January 1946 he established his own couture fashion house business, Hardy Amies Ltd.

His business grew from strength to strength as he became designer for Queen Elizabeth II and he was knighted in 1989. In May 1973, he had sold Hardy Amies Ltd to Debenhams, who had already purchased Hepworths, the firm that distributed the Hardy Amies line. Ironically he purchased the business back in 1981 and in May 2001, he sold it once again, to the Luxury Brands Group.

He died on 5 March 2003.

Gerry Wolstenholme

October 2011

“It is totally impossible to be well dressed in cheap shoes.”
Hardy Amies
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