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Harlan Wolff

Harlan Wolff has lived in Thailand since 1977 and before becoming a writer was a successful Private Investigator and corporate troubleshooter specialising in major crime. The Carl Engel series is a gritty and real account of a Bangkok based PI's milieu.

“After a while Carl asked him, “How does it make you feel that those politicians have so much while you have so little?”The driver shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Don’tyou understand that they must have done something good in their previous life to get so much in this one?”Carl nodded even though he didn’t understand and probably never would.”
Harlan Wolff
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“The morning television had been martial music and generals, admirals, air marshals and police chiefs displaying crisp uniforms and chests full of medals. Carl wondered, as he did during every coup, what all the medals were for; there hadn’t been a war. Maybe they got them for showing up on time to the previous coup.”
Harlan Wolff
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“Because this devil is definitely an older man, probably foreign. The FBI would classify him as a type IV killer, the worst kind and difficult to catch. A type IV serial killer has no remorse, doesn’t understand the concept. He has what they call an anger-excitation profile. The whole process he performs is his own way to sexual gratification. This man kills for sport. He’s not out of control, quite the opposite in fact. Most importantly, in regard to your daughter’s safety, the rules of his game are that he must murder strangers. He doesn’t kill people he knows. So if your daughter’s with people she knows then she cannot be with the killer.”
Harlan Wolff
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