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Harry Sidebottom

“Nie rozumiesz. Każda religia, która nakazuje wyznawcom kochać odległego, zapewne wymyślonego boga bardziej od tych, których powinni kochać, rodziny, przyjaciół, a przede wszystkim dzieci, jest okrutna i nieludzka. Więc jak widzisz, nie sądzę, żebym należał do ludzi, których można nawrócić na wiarę w waszego ukrzyżowanego boga.”
Harry Sidebottom
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“Maximus was cleaning his blade on the dead man’s wolfskin. ‘You promised him his life,’ the Greek said. ‘No, I said death was his last worry.’ Maximus swung up on to Pale Horse. ‘Is that not so for all of us?”
Harry Sidebottom
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“I take it you do not agree with your countrymen’s religious practices.’‘Oh no,’ said Hippothous. ‘I am not Cilician by birth. Mine has been a long and tragic path. I was born in Perinthus, the noble city close by Byzantium. My father was on the Boule. When I was young, I fell desperately in love. Hyperanthes was nearly my age. Stripped for wrestling in the gymnasium, he was like a god. And his eyes – no sidelong glances or fearsome looks, no trace of villainy or dissembling.’As they ate, Hippothous told them a tale of love, lust, subterfuge, murder, flight, shipwreck, loss and exile – a tale worthy of a Greek romance. ‘Probably from a fucking Greek romance,’ muttered Calgacus.”
Harry Sidebottom
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