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Heather Cocks

Heather Cocks is a die-hard sports fan, a Leo, an ex-reporter, a Notre Dame grad, a dual citizen of the U.S. and U.K., a sandwich enthusiast, and a former producer for America's Next Top Model.

Together, Heather and Jessica Morgan skewer celebrity fashion crimes on their popular blog, Go Fug Yourself, which draws millions of monthly readers and made Entertainment Weekly's Must List. They have covered New York Fashion Week for Cosmopolitan and New York magazine, and have written two young adult novels, Spoiled and Messy. The Royal We, their debut contemporary fiction novel, comes out April 7.

“How did you not know they broke up? You usually monitor his social media like he's al-Qaeda and you're the CIA.”
Heather Cocks
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“I would never lie about shoes. I have morals.”
Heather Cocks
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“Slang is the suitcase of the damned, my dear. CHECK IT.”
Heather Cocks
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