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Heather Jensen

I write fantasy for teens and adults. When I'm not writing I enjoy traveling, killing Zombies on the Xbox, going to concerts, playing guitar, camping, and spending time with family and friends. I'm addicted to Oreos and flip-flops.

“I wanted to apologize but what could I say? I’m sorry but I’m afraid my fangs might freak you out. Oh and by the way my eyes sort of glow in the dark when I get excited. I hope you’re cool with that.”
Heather Jensen
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“Then his lips were on mine and I lost myself, overwhelmed by the surge of Trey’s emotions as they flooded through me. I kissed him back wanting to forget my fear of being discovered of putting him in danger and focus only on how good it felt being in his arms. After all relinquishing some control was a sacrifice worth making if it meant I could continue to live in this fantasy with Trey. But the dreaded tingling in my teeth started up again and I reluctantly pulled away.”
Heather Jensen
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