Heather Valencia and Rolly Kent photo

Heather Valencia and Rolly Kent

“If you are a dreaming woman you are at the beginning of the web of creation. This web is extremely elastic, like a spider web. The old stories describe the web like this: When Cloud-Dreaming Woman's daughter Spider Woman created this earth, it was left to her daughters to carry on the endless dream weaving. But Spider Woman started things. She dreamed and spun out the things of this world. She did not know she was dream weaving; only that she was dreaming ... something. So she gave birth to the ugly right along with the beautiful, the sweet natured and the misanthrope, the frog and the smooth-cheeked prince, atomic bombs and telephones along with every plant ad chemical to cure or kill.If you are a dreaming woman, however, you know you and your sisters are together making this world.- Queen of Dreams The Story of A Yaqui Dreaming Woman”
Heather Valencia and Rolly Kent
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