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Heidi DuPree

Heidi DuPree, RN, CTN is an internationally acclaimed author and energy healing entrepreneur. Holding degrees in both nursing and traditional naturopathy, Heidi lifts people around the world out of turmoil and into a higher vibration of peace and harmony through her books, guided meditations, online courses and Energypathy Healing® products. After working as a board-certified clinical nurse for 15 years, Heidi experience a profound spiritual awakening that led her to become a holistic nurse and certified traditional naturopath working in the field of energy healing. She draws on her knowledge base from 25 years of study and experience in holism, naturopathy, energy healing science, plant medicine, astrology, spirituality and healing rhythms to impart wisdom that empowers sensitives, intuitives, creatives and empaths to recognize who they really are, and to embrace their life challenges as a vehicle to transformation.

“If it feels like cracks are forming in your life, those cracks may be what is needed for the light within to reveal itself.”
Heidi DuPree
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“When we embrace every aspect of ourselves with unconditional love – we heal.”
Heidi DuPree
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“Accepting the thought, emotion or sensation at face value is an act that is both loving and liberating.”
Heidi DuPree
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“When treatment for health issues is conducted like a military operation, our body-minds become a battlefield.”
Heidi DuPree
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“In our modern lives we have strayed so far from living in sync with nature that integrating natural health measures into our lives can paradoxically feel unnatural.”
Heidi DuPree
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“The sudden appearance of pain and pressure are not indicative of an injury, but of the presence of suppressed emotions.”
Heidi DuPree
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“As human beings, we haven’t lost our intuition; we just stopped paying attention”
Heidi DuPree
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