Heinrich Böll photo

Heinrich Böll

Der deutsche Schriftsteller und Übersetzer gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Autoren der Nachkriegszeit. Er schrieb Gedichte, Kurzgeschichten und Romane, von denen auch einige verfilmt wurden. Dabei setzte er sich kritisch mit der jungen Bundesrepublik auseinander. Zu seinen erfolgreichsten Werken zählen "Billard um halbzehn", "Ansichten eines Clowns" und "Gruppenbild mit Dame". Den Nobelpreis für Literatur bekam Heinrich Böll 1972; er war nach 43 Jahren der erste deutsche Schriftsteller, dem diese Auszeichnung zuteil wurde. 1974 erschien sein wohl populärstes Werk, "Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum". Durch sein politisches Engagement wirkte er, gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Lew Kopelew, auf die europäische Literatur der Nachkriegszeit. Darüber hinaus arbeitete Böll gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Annemarie als Herausgeber und Übersetzer englischsprachiger Werke ins Deutsche...

Heinrich Böll became a full-time writer at the age of 30. His first novel, Der Zug war pünktlich (The Train Was on Time), was published in 1949. Many other novels, short stories, radio plays, and essay collections followed. In 1972 he received the Nobel Prize for Literature "for his writing which through its combination of a broad perspective on his time and a sensitive skill in characterization has contributed to a renewal of German literature." He was the first German-born author to receive the Nobel Prize since Hermann Hesse in 1946. His work has been translated into more than 30 languages, and he is one of Germany's most widely read authors.

“Non capivano che il segreto dell'orrore sta nel particolare. È molto facile, un gioco da bambini, pentirsi di gravi colpe: errori politici, adulterio, assassinio, antisemitismo. Ma chi perdona il particolare? Chi comprende i dettagli?”
Heinrich Böll
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“I cattolici mi rendono nervoso perché sono sleali. E i protestanti? domandò ridendo, quelli mi fanno star male con quel loro pasticciare intorno alla coscienza. E gli atei? rideva ancora. Quelli mi annoiano perché parlano sempre di Dio. E lei che cos'è, in conclusione? Io sono un clown.”
Heinrich Böll
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“Olvidé mencionar que soy sensible no sólo a la melancolía y a la jaqueca, sino que poseo, además, otro don casi místico: puedo percibir olores por teléfono (Bóll, Heinrich. Opiniones de un payaso, trad. Lucas Casas. México: Seix Barral, 2005 p. 14).”
Heinrich Böll
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“-Los católicos me ponen nervioso -dije-, porque juegan sucio.-¿Y los protestantes? -preguntó riendo.-Me irritan con su manoseo de las conciencias.-¿Y los ateos? -seguía riéndose.-Me aburren, porque siempre hablan de Dios.-¿Y qué es usted, pues?-Soy un payaso -dije-, de momento, superior a mi fama.”
Heinrich Böll
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“I don't trust Catholics," I said, "because they take advantage of you.""And Protestants?" he asked with a laugh."I loathe the way they fumble around with their consciences.""And atheists?" He was still laughing."They bore me because all they ever talk about is God.”
Heinrich Böll
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“Feelings can kill such good hard things as love and hate.”
Heinrich Böll
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“Olursa iyi olur ama ne Nefertiti,ne de Isenheim Mihrabı istediğim yok benim.Tuttuğunu koparan erkeklerden bahsetmedim,çünkü nefret ederim öylelerinden,onlardan daha can sıkıcı kimse yoktur benim için;çokluk leş gibi hüner marifet kokar onlar.Ama neyi ciddiye aldığını bir bilsem senin!Başka erkeklerin önem verdiği hiçbir şeye aldırmıyorum;bir iki şey de var ki,öbür erkeklerin verdiği değerden daha değerli senin için.Bir iş sahibi olamadın...”
Heinrich Böll
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“Strangely enough I like the kind to which I belong: people.”
Heinrich Böll
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“I am a clown...and I collect moments.”
Heinrich Böll
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“One would like to know, for most people, being denied reliable telepathic communication, reach for the phone, which they feel is more reliable.”
Heinrich Böll
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“... she said she would not sign any deposition containing the word "amorous" instead of "advances". For her the difference was of crucial significance, and one of the reasons she had separated from her husband was that he had never been amorous but had consistently made advances.”
Heinrich Böll
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“یک چیز بسیار زیبا وجود دارد. هیچ . به هیچ فکر کن”
Heinrich Böll
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“have you read any book from "heinrich boll"?he is my faverit writer . what do u think about his books?”
Heinrich Böll
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“... Posai il mio cuscino sul terzo gradino dal basso, mi sedetti, presi il cappello e vi misi dentro la sigaretta: non proprio nel mezzo e non in un angolo, proprio così come se vi fosse stata gettata dall’alto e cominciai a cantare: “Il povero Papa Giovanni…”. Nessuno badava a me, non sarebbe neppure stato un bene: dopo una, due, tre ore avrebbero pur cominciato ad accorgersi di me. Interruppi la mia strofa quando udii la voce al microfono che annunciava un treno da Amburgo… Allora andai avanti. Mi spaventai quando la prima moneta cadde nel cappello: era un soldo, colpì la sigaretta, la sospinse troppo da parte. La rimisi al posto giusto e ripresi a cantare.”
Heinrich Böll
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“An artist is like a woman who can do nothing but love, and who succumbs to every stray male jackass.”
Heinrich Böll
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“Ich bin ein Clown und sammle Augenblicke.”
Heinrich Böll
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