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Helen Exley

“The house-cat is a four-legged quadruped, the legs as usual being at the corners. It is what is sometimes called a tame animal, though it feeds on mice and birds of prey. Its colours are striped, it does not bark, but breathes through its nose instead of its mouth. Cats also mow, which you all have heard. Cats have nine liveses, but which is seldom wanted in this country, coz' of Christianity. Cats eat meat and most anythink speshuelly where you can't afford. That is all about cats."(From a schoolboy's essay, 1903.)”
Helen Exley
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“Those proud of keeping an orderly desk never know the thrill of finding something they thought they had irretrievably lost.”
Helen Exley
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“Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled ‘This could change your life’.”
Helen Exley
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