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Henny Youngman

Henry "Henny" Youngman was a British-born American comedian and violinist famous for "one-liners," short, simple jokes usually delivered rapid-fire. His best known (and oft misattributed) one-liner was "Take my wife—please".

“The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.”
Henny Youngman
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“My grandmother is over eightyand she still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.”
Henny Youngman
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“My dad was the town drunk. Most of the time that's not so bad; but New York City?”
Henny Youngman
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“When you battle with your conscience and lose, you win. -Henny Youngman, comedian and violinist (1906-1998)”
Henny Youngman
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“I've got all the money I'll ever need. If I die by 4:00.”
Henny Youngman
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“Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who'll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you're in the wrong house, that's what it means.”
Henny Youngman
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“Dancing on pointe...Why don't they just get taller girls?”
Henny Youngman
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“„Докторът казал на един пациент, че му остават още 6 месеца жевот. Пациентът не можал да си плати сметката, и докторът му дал още 6 месеца.”
Henny Youngman
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“Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays. ”
Henny Youngman
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“A drunk was in front of a judge. The judge says "You've been brought here for drinking." The drunk says "Okay, let's get started.”
Henny Youngman
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“I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.”
Henny Youngman
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“If you're going to do something tonight that you'll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late.”
Henny Youngman
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“I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to stop going to those places.”
Henny Youngman
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“When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.”
Henny Youngman
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