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Henri Murger

He is chiefly distinguished as the author of Scènes de la vie de bohème, from his own experiences as a desperately poor writer living in a Parisian attic, and member of a loose club of friends who called themselves "the water drinkers" (because they were too poor to afford wine). In his writing he combines instinct with pathos and humour, sadness his predominant tone. The book is the basis for the operas La bohème (Puccini) and La bohème (Leoncavallo), and, at greater removes, the zarzuela Bohemios (Amadeu Vives), the operetta Das Veilchen vom Montmartre (Kálmán) and the Broadway musical Rent. He wrote lyrics as well as novels and stories, the chief being La Chanson de Musette, "a tear," says Gautier, "which has become a pearl of poetry"

“Art is a barren route, of which glory is the oasis.”
Henri Murger
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“Study is the child of silence and mystery.”
Henri Murger
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“كان الحب أنانية القلب و لذته..أما الصداقة فكانت أنانية العقل و لذة الروح، ومن ثم كانت أبقى و أقوى”
Henri Murger
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