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Henry Miller

“The smile was so painfully swift and fleeting that it was like the flash of a knife.”
Henry Miller
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“Nous avons coutume de considérer que nous formons un grand corps démocratique dont les membres sont liés entre eux par une communauté de sang et de langage, et dont l'unité indissoluble est assurée par tous les modes de communication qu'ait pu tramer l'ingéniosité de l'homme ; nos vêtements, notre alimentation sont identiques ; nous lisons les mêmes journaux (exactement, titre, poids et tirage mis à part) ; nous sommes le peuple le plus collectiviste du monde, hormis quelques peuplades primitives que nous tenons arriérés dans leur développement. Et pourtant...Pourtant, malgré tant d'apparences qui sembleraient prouver que nous sommes étroitement liés et apparentés ; que nous vivons en bons voisins ; que nous avons bon caractère ; que nous sommes serviables, compatissants, fraternels presque, nous sommes un peuple solitaire, un troupeau morbide et dément, se démenant de tous côtés dans une rage frénétique et jalouse ; un peuple qui voudrait oublier qu'il n'est pas ce qu'il croit, un peuple qui n'est pas réellement uni ; dont les individus n'ont, les uns pour les autres, aucun dévouement réel, aucune attention réelle, ne sont, en vérité, que des unités brassées par Dieu sait quelle main invisible, selon une arithmétique qui n'est pas notre affaire.”
Henry Miller
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“Au fond, les gens ne lisent pas ; ou, s'ils lisent, ils ne comprennent pas ; ou, s'ils comprennent, ils oublient.”
Henry Miller
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“Je commençais à lire, à trop lire. Je me tournais vers le dedans, je me refermais sur moi-même, comme font les fleurs, la nuit.”
Henry Miller
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“Le besoin de se surpasser doit être instinctif et non pas théorique ou seulement plausible. ”
Henry Miller
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“C'est un monde fait pour des monomaniaques obsédés par l'idée de progrès... mais d'un faux progrès qui pue. C'est un monde encombré d'objets inutiles que, pour mieux les exploiter et les dégrader, on a enseigné aux homes et femmes à considérer comme utiles.”
Henry Miller
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“Le seul chemin qui mène à la délivrance passe par la découverte et la reconnaissance du caractère unique de son identité.”
Henry Miller
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“La plupart des mariages sont bâtis sur une tombe : celle de l'amour. La plupart des couples mariés ne sont que défunts amants légalement appariés. On le sent vivement, le dimanche après-midi, en les regardant déambuler sur les boulevards. On dirait des automates, attelés deux par deux à d'invisibles jougs. Parfois, la progéniture traîne derrière - satellites mystérieux enchaînés de droit à leurs auteurs inanimés.”
Henry Miller
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“Je le saluerais d'un cri de victoire, s'il [l'homme nouveau] pouvait prouver que l'existence, sur ce vaste continent, peut se passer des articles de première nécessité ci-dessus mentionnés [laboratoires, usines chimiques, aciéries, avions, munitions, tracteurs et aliments pasteurisés]. Oui, ce serait un type très suprême d'homme s'il apportait la démonstration que l'existence, tant ici qu'ailleurs, peut se passer de travail forcé, d'instruments de torture, d'outils de mort, d'argent, de dernière mode, de prophylaxie, de gouvernement et la suite.”
Henry Miller
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“A-t-on jamais vu chose inouïe comme un peuple libéré de la superstition, du rituel, de la religion, de l'argent, de la peur et du remords ?”
Henry Miller
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“Si nous étions lucides, instantanément l'horreur de ce qui nous entoure nous laisserait stupides. On ne saurait être parfaitement lucide et déambuler dans les rues de nos cités modernes sans en être affecté de façon ou d'autre. Ce qui ne signifie pas que nous devrions avoir envie de les reconstruire, nos cités, de les faire un peu moins laides - mais de les planter là, de filer pour ne plus revenir, oui. De tout flanquer en l'air, de plaquer le boulot, d'envoyer paître les obligations, le percepteur, les lois et tout ce qui s'ensuit. Un être humain parfaitement éveillé, croyez-vous qu'il se conduirait en cinglé, comme c'est le cas, comme on le lui demande, à chaque instant de la journée ?”
Henry Miller
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“What if at the last moment, when the banquet table is set and the cymbals clash, there should appear suddenly, and wholly without warning, a silver platter on which even the blind could see that there is nothing more, and nothing less, than two enormous lumps of shit. That, I believe would be more miraculous than anything which man has looked forward to. It would be miraculous because it would be undreamed of. It would be more miraculous than even the wildest dream because anybody could imagine the possibility but nobody ever has, and probably nobody ever again will.”
Henry Miller
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“The earth is not a lair, neither is it a prison. The earth is a Paradise, the only one we'll ever know. We will realize it the moment we open our eyes. We don't have to make it a Paradise-it is one. We have only to make ourselves fit to inhabit it. The man with the gun, the man with murder in his heart, cannot possibly recognize Paradise even when he is shown it.”
Henry Miller
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“Everybody says sex is obscene. The only true obscenity is war.”
Henry Miller
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“Only a rich cunt can save me now,' he says with an air of utmost weariness. 'One gets tired of chasing after new cunts all the time. It gets mechanical. The trouble is, you see, I can't fall in love. I'm too much of an egoist. Women only help me to dream, that's all. It's a vice, like drink or opium. I've got to have a new one every day; if I don't I get morbid. I think too much. Sometimes I'm amazed at myself, how quick I pull it off — and how little it really means. I do it automatically like. Sometimes I'm not thinking about a woman at all, but suddenly I notice a woman looking at me and then, bango! it starts all over again. Before I know what I'm doing I've got her up to the room. I don't even remember what I say to them. I bring them up to the room, give them a pat on the ass, and before I know what it's all about it's over. It's like a dream.... Do you know what I mean?”
Henry Miller
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“My understanding of the meaning of a book is that the book itself disappears from sight, that it is chewed alive, digested and incorporated into the system as flesh and blood which in turn creates new spirit and reshapes the world.”
Henry Miller
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“No one asks you to throw Mozart out of the window. Keep Mozart. Cherish him. Keep Moses too, and Buddha and Lao Tzu and Christ. Keep them in your heart. But make room for the others, the coming ones, the ones who are already scratching on the window-panes.”
Henry Miller
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“What I really hoped for, no doubt, was to come upon one of those lives which begin nowhere, which lead us through marshes and salt flats, trickling away, seemingly without plan, purpose or goal, and suddenly emerge, gushing like geysers, and never cease gushing, even in death.”
Henry Miller
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“Everything was for tomorrow, but tomorrow never came. The present was only a bridge and on this bridge they are still groaning, as the world groans, and not one idiot ever thinks of blowing up the bridge.”
Henry Miller
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“Chaos is the score upon which reality is written.”
Henry Miller
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“Who wants to be a hundred? What's the point of it? A short life and a merry one is far better than a long one sustained by fear, caution, and perpetual medical surveillance.”
Henry Miller
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“A book is not only a friend, it makes friends for you. When you have possessed a book with mind and spirit, you are enriched. But when you pass it on you are enriched threefold. ”
Henry Miller
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“Once you have given up the ghost, everything follows with dead certainty, even in the midst of chaos.”
Henry Miller
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“Esto no es un libro. Es un libelo, una calumnia, una difamación. No es un libro, en el sentido ordinario de la palabra. No, es un insulto prolongado, un escupitajo a la cara del arte, una patada en el culo a Dios, al hombre, al destino, al tiempo, al amor, a la belleza... a lo que os parezca.”
Henry Miller
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“Recuerdo muy bien cómo disfrutaba con mi sufrimiento. Era como llevarse un cachorro a la cama. De vez en cuando te arañaba... y entonces sentías auténtico espanto. Por lo general, no sentías miedo: siempre podías soltarlo o cortarle la cabeza.”
Henry Miller
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“Las personas son como los piojos: se te meten bajo la piel y se entierran en ella.”
Henry Miller
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“Os veo sentados ahí juntos, y sé que os separa un abismo. Vuestra cercanía es la de los planetas. Yo soy el vacío entre vosotros. Si me retiro, no tendréis vacío en que flotar. ”
Henry Miller
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“Dormir se puede casi en cualquier parte, pero hay que tener un sitio para trabajar. Hasta una novela mala requiere una silla para sentarse y un poquito de intimidad. ”
Henry Miller
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“La ciudad retoña como un enorme organismo todo él enfermo y las avenidas hermosas son algo menos repulsivas sólo porque les han drenado el pus.”
Henry Miller
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“Debería ser rico para tener una secretaria a la que dictar, mientras camino, porque las mejores ideas se me ocurren siempre cuando estoy lejos de la máquina.”
Henry Miller
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“, dijo Emerson, . Si es así, mi vida, no es más que un gran intestino. No sólo pienso en la comida todo el día, sino que, además, sueño con ella por la noche. ”
Henry Miller
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“El arte consiste en llegar hasta la últimas consecuencias. Si comienzas con tambores, tienes que acabar con dinamita o TNT.”
Henry Miller
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“Nada podrá contrarrestar ese virus que está envenenando el mundo entero. América es la encarnación de la fatalidad. Va a arrastrar al mundo entero hasta el abismo sin fondo.”
Henry Miller
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“Por una razón u otra, el hombre busca el milagro y para lograrlo es capaz de abrirse paso entre la sangre.”
Henry Miller
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“Mientras falte esa chispa de pasión, la actuación carecerá de significado humano.”
Henry Miller
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“..., que sólo quienes, como él, son sensibles a la alquimia del sonido y los sentidos, son capaces de transformar la realidad negativa de la vida en las formas substanciales y significativas del arte. Sólo quienes pueden admitir la luz en sus entrañas pueden expresar lo que hay en el corazón.”
Henry Miller
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“Aquellos dos hablaban de especie de jerga matemática superior. Nunca entraba en ella nada de carne y hueso: era extraña, fantasmal, espantosamente abstracta. ”
Henry Miller
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“Everything hinges on how you look at things”
Henry Miller
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“Back of every creation, supporting it like an arch, is faith. Enthusiasm is nothing: It comes and goes. But if one believes, then miracles occur.”
Henry Miller
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“Until we accept the fact that life itself is founded in mystery, we shall learn nothing.”
Henry Miller
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“Until it is kindled by a spirit as flamingly alive as the onewhich gave it birth a book is dead to us.Words divested of their magic are but dead hieroglyphs.”
Henry Miller
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“Conditioned to ecstasy, the poet is like a gorgeous unknown bird mired in the ashes of thought. If he succeeds in freeing himself, it is to make a sacrificial flight to the sun. His dreams of a regenerate world are but the reverberations of his own fevered pulse beats. He imagines the world will follow him, but in the blue he finds himself alone. Alone but surrounded by his creations; sustained, therefore, to meet the supreme sacrifice. The impossible has been achieved; the duologue of author with Author is consummated. And now forever through the ages the song expands, warming all hearts, penetrating all minds. At the periphery the world is dying away; at the center it glows like a live coal. In the great solar heart of the universe the golden birds are gathered in unison. There it is forever dawn, forever peace, harmony and communion. Man does not look to the sun in vain; he demands light and warmth not for the corpse which he will one day discard but for his inner being. His greatest desire is to burn with ecstasy, to commerge his little flame with the central fire of the universe. If he accords the angels wings so that they may come to him with messages of peace, harmony and radiance from worlds beyond, it is only to nourish his own dreams of flight, to sustain his own belief that he will one day reach beyond himself, and on wings of gold. One creation matches another; in essence they are all alike. The brotherhood of man consists not in thinking alike, nor in acting alike, but in aspiring to praise creation. The song of creation springs from the ruins of earthly endeavor. The outer man dies away in order to reveal the golden bird which is winging its way toward divinity.”
Henry Miller
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“You start with the sublime and end up in an alley jerking away for dear life.”
Henry Miller
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“They never opened the door which leads to the soul.”
Henry Miller
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“The real leader has no need to lead. He is content to point the way.”
Henry Miller
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“The cradles of civilization are the putrid sinks of the world.”
Henry Miller
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“The essential thing is to WANT to sing. This then is a song. I am singing.”
Henry Miller
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“If we are always arriving and departing, it is alsotrue that we are eternally anchored. One's destinationis never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.”
Henry Miller
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“To be joyous is to be a madman in a world of sad ghosts.”
Henry Miller
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“I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive.”
Henry Miller
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