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Herbie Brennan

“His eyes were closing again, all of their own accord, so that he lay in red, pain-filled darkness. It occured to him that he was dying and he didn’t care. ‘He’s alive!’ Blue said again ‘He’s breathing!’ ‘I can’t see him breathing.”
Herbie Brennan
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“How do you get on with your father ' Beleth asked.'Very well ' Pyrgus answered loyally although it was far from the truth.'I ate mine ' Beleth told him. 'He got old and feeble and useless but he wanted to hold on to power. So I took steps. Tasted disgusting - stringy tough smelly ... you know how fathers are - but it's the custom here. You're supposed to absorb the essence that way. Rank superstition of course but well ... tradition.”
Herbie Brennan
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“He caught me stealing his golden phoenix.'Tithonus closed his eyes briefly. 'Good grief!' He opened them again. 'I was half hoping it wasn't true. Have you any idea of the implications?''He was mistreating it!' Pyrgus protested.'Of course he was mistreating it. This is Black Hairstreak we're talking about. He mistreats his own mother. I don't suppose you stole her as well?”
Herbie Brennan
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“Fogarty rolled the cylinder in his fingers.' Know what's interesting? I had a look at this thing when they took it out. The insides are burned out.'Are they?' Blue asked mildly.It takes a lot to burn out one of those implants - almost impossible, in fact. You must love him very much,' Fogarty said quietly.Yes,' Blue said. 'Yes, I do.”
Herbie Brennan
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“And your police are like our police in the Realm?' Blue said. 'They flog you if you do something wrong and cut off your hand if you’re caught stealing?'No, they don’t do that, Henry said uncertainly. Why not? It’s pretty silly not to, isn’t it?' Blue said.”
Herbie Brennan
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“Henry went down on one knee. 'Like King Arthur's knights,' Mr. Fogarty had told him, but he didn't feel much like a knight. In fact he felt like a twit.”
Herbie Brennan
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“Anybody could have seen you. I was just unlucky.' He realised what he'd said and added hurriedly, 'I mean not unlucky to have seen you that way. I mean you're very pretty, beautiful and all that, no spots or anything...' - Henry”
Herbie Brennan
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“Brimstone: '...I shall smite thee with my fightful blasting wand so that thy teeth shall drop out, thy skin shall wrinkle, thou shalt have boils on thy bottom and be subject to night sweats, ringing in the ears, falling sickness, flaking dandruff, arthritis, lumbago, uncontrollable dribbling, deafness, runny nose, and ingrowing toenails. Amen.”
Herbie Brennan
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“We've got a war going on, the demons are invading, you got implanted by the Prince of Darkness and you're worried I'll make you stick your finger up your bum and bark like a dog? This is serious!' - Mr. Fogarty”
Herbie Brennan
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“Speaking of lunacy,' remarked Pyrgus later, 'are you in love with my sister?'Oh, yes!' Henry said at once.”
Herbie Brennan
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“Just my luck,' sighed the endolg. 'Twenty million people in the Realm and I get locked up with a wuss.”
Herbie Brennan
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“The portals are certainly closed, so the demons aren't giving any trouble. Lots of talk about hands of friendship, doves of peace, all that sort of crap...”
Herbie Brennan
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“Kiedy przywołujesz demona, dajesz mu sposobność wpływania na wydarzenia w twoim świecie. Pomniejsze demony po prostu wyrządzą szkody, ale większe potrafią być subtelniejsze. I groźniejsze.”
Herbie Brennan
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“Blue clung to Pyrgus and her tears turned to a ghastly, gurgling giggle. 'I'm Queen of Hael now, Mr. Fogarty,' she said; and she fainted.”
Herbie Brennan
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“He wondered if he might be in love, but realized it was far more likely he was dying.”
Herbie Brennan
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