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Hermester Barrington

Hail, fellow readers!

My writing is based on my rambles across the globe, which I undertake as sidekick to my wife, the impossibly beautiful Fayaway. On our journeys, we look for protozoa, paranormal phenomena, invisible books, and out-of-place artifacts. My work revolves around these topics as well as promoting and exploring that most postmodern of myths, the masked wrestler El Fisico Nuclear. You may read of his exploits in my mini-epic Death Trap at La Puente. My current writing projects include a love story set in Lovecraft's universe, and an ecocritical reading of the work of Thomas Burnett Swann.

I am Professor of Protozoology at Miskatonic University and am co-curator, with Fayaway, of the Malibu Lake Branch of The Invisible Library, a collection of books that appear only in other books.


Hermester Barrington

“What would Munchausen do?”
Hermester Barrington
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“Any youth which is not misspent is, by definition, misspent.”
Hermester Barrington
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“Rain is Nature's way of telling us to go slowly because the roads will soon be wet.”
Hermester Barrington
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“If only I had used my powers for good instead of for trivia!”
Hermester Barrington
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“The hobgoblin of a little mind may be the genius of a great one.”
Hermester Barrington
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