Hester Browne was born in England's Lake District, read English at Trinity College, Cambridge, and worked as a fiction editor before leaving publishing to write full time. She enjoys Scottish reeling, driving, baking, and trawling eBay for estate sale bargains. She doesn't enjoy hot weather, tax returns, or any talent programme where people have to plead to be allowed to juggle flaming chainsaws on national television.
“I'm not that nice," I said. People were always telling me how nice I was. You'd think it would be a compliment, but it was amazing how sometimes it just felt like a kinder way of saying "blah." "I just keep my horrible side well hidden.”
“Appearances can be deceptive. Just because someone has a generous chest and a romantic nature doesn't mean they're EASY.”
“Want a partner who can make you feel secure and loved, so you can reach your full potential. Someone who can inspire you and encourage you to try again if things don't work out. Someone who loves you for who you are, not who you might turn into, or who you once were.”
“My golden rule has always been to look on the bright side, no matter what. With all the complications in my life, I had to. Because if you can find three good things in any given situation, no matter how dire, I guarantee you'll forget the rotten stuff.”
“There is something rather sexy about men who knew exactly what they are talking about. Men who might not be conventionally attractive, but who are obviously highly competent at their jobs.”
“Just because some man pays you some attention doesn't mean you're somehow obliged to devote your life to him. You're worth MORE than that.”
“It's so much easier to have a crush on someone who you know isn't going to respond-it makes it nice and safe and you never have to humiliate yourself by getting knocked back.”
“There are many marks of a true lady but I believe that one of them is to walk with her head held high while her world falls apart around her.”
“The Elephant of Depression wasn't just parked on my chest, it was relaxing there with the Walrus of Gloom and the Hippo of Bleak Friday Nights in Alone. They had beers. They were settling in.”
“Great friendships are like cell phones, you do not know why they work but are so glad that they do.”
“Fashion is a cruel mistress.”
“The best friendships are like mobile phones, I think--you can't explain exactly how they work, but you're just relieved they do.”