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@hg47 - Occasional Novelist, Prolific Reader, Amateur Reviewer

If you like science fiction, DAUGHTER MOON is the best thing I've ever written, or ever will write. I know my limits. It's not as good as THE MOTE IN GOD'S EYE, or DUNE, or even the flawed masterpiece STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND. Sucks to be me. I rank it 4th on the Ultimate Sci-Fi Scale. (They say that novelists are even more egotistical than Hollywood Directors.) MOON is a high-tech sci-fi Matriarchy in Outer Space time-travel novel. "100 boys are not worth a woman's little finger."

In February, 2013, I unpublished all my eBooks except for DAUGHTER MOON. Everyone loves MOON; reaction to my other writing is: "Meh." [Sometime earlier this month, May, I put my eBooks back up.]

I was briefly infamous in the mid Nineties, when my publisher Longstreet Press sent out 150 blue bras to reviewers for the launch of my experimental novel BLUES DELUXE, which essentially defined me as a boob.

I use my Twitter handle for my writer's name now. Two years ago I momentarily went viral, when my #TwitterArt sequence of planes crashing into the Twin Towers got more than 10,000 ReTweets in a 24 hour period. No clue how that happened. Wish I did.

I pay the bills working in plastics extrusion. I run the graveyard shift where I work, although with this Super Recession things are so slow that it's turning into a part-time gig.

Look at the free samples for my novels; you will find out real quick if my style of writing works for you. I apologize for my incompetent Sales Pitch Pages.


Harv Griffin


“Three Moonie 65-megaton hydrogen bombs exploded nearly simultaneously at very high altitude. With no air around the bombs to absorb the initial blast of the explosions, and convert the energy into mechanical shock waves——all the nuclear energy blasted out in its electromagnetic form. It was a brutally intense pulse of Compton recoil electrons and photoelectrons that created huge electric and magnetic fields that were MURDER on sensitive electronic equipment at tremendous distances. The electro-magnetic fields, coupled with electric and computer systems, producing huge voltage spikes in the circuits and damaging current surges along all signal paths, fusing precision engineered memory and micro-boards and virtual drives and CPUs into fried silicon laced junk! Nanobots to Nanoscrap in Nanoseconds!”
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“Prayers should be for preventing war, not fighting it.”
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“The thunderstorm she’s wearing, the clouds, the lightning flashing down her legs and the sound effects are no big deal. But the 1G rain is a serious engineering problem. For all of us, when we have experienced rain, it has been during a Direct Interface Lifetime, in subjective conditions of 1-Gravity. Lunar rain, at 1/6th Gravity, just doesn’t look real. Therefore, her dress has a hollow cylindrical 5K spin-2 graviton Field, to make the rain fall at 1G without weighing her down a metric ton. If it’s engineered right, she shouldn’t feel a bit heavier. That’s almost 6990-megawatts right there. The other 10-megawatts or so is mostly rain choreography.”
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“Leslie Ann was now modeling a conservative thunderstorm gray business suit/dress with lightning flashes streaking down her legs, and 1G rain splashing her silvery galoshes.”
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“Leslie Ann was now agonizing over a full-length Flame gown that actually appeared to be burning fire covering her lush body: cool blue flames hugging her neck, red-hot flames usually covering her breasts, fluttering orange and yellow fire hips, all down along her white-hot legs to her Bunsen burner tipped high-heel shoes.”
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“The bed woke Kali up with a soft caress, dressed her in her favorite comfy robe, and gently deposited her, standing vertically, in one-sixth gravity.”
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