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Ms.Himadri is a D.Phill Researcher (English and Communication) Born and nurtured in a scholastic family in New Delhi, India, Himadri studied English Literature from University of Delhi. She evoked her career in writing as a Hindi poet in 2005 and won awards from Hindi Academy and various academic institutions. She's internationally awarded among 24 countries from contribution in creative literature. She is dedicated to women welfare and ennoblement and served the education industry by engineering various educational camps and classes under NGOs.

She is a keen observer of relationships and human behavioral psychology. History, Psychology, Anthropology and Literature are her favorite area of research. Her hobbies include reading books, blogging, cooking and painting. She follows Unitarian Universalism and an ardent animal lover.

Under her pen name “Himmilicious” she has published several Ebooks and Blogs on Contemporary Erotic Romance and Management, Training and development, Linguistics and Language development.

She is a raconteuse and works as a script writer. Appreciated by many renowned writers and directors She wants to write cult movies and documentaries. She Worked as a creative director of the movie X- Past is Present which was featured in New York Film Festival and released all over.

she has many future plans on writing women-centric fiction along with higher research in different genre of Literature and language including Ancient and Contemporary Erotic literature, Mythology and supernatural . She believes in a simple lifestyle as a fictionist and librocubicularist.

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“Lucky : An idiot person with a punchable face who gets something what he doesn't deserve.”
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“Envy, jealousy, revenge and negativity are some of the basic instinct of women. They cannot help it. We prefer negative thoughts at first place due to the feeling of insecurity.”
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“Darn! what a beautiful night! Heading towards Pandara Road-Gulati Restaurant, with open windows of my baby sedan and this broad chest guy with big brown eyes.He hums the oldies well and his Issey Miyake is making me lose the grip over my senses.One more thing is distracting me, he ain't wearing anything inside but a transparent white, V necked, cotton short Kurta.I can see the hair winking out and his collar bones!!Not only men get excited by transparent dresses but women as well.His broad shoulders and chest is my weakness and he knows it.This man is not doing good to me!It's a crime to seduce in this way, when you are not touched, when you are distracted by the aroma of his skin, when you know, he is well aware of the intentions..when you can't do anything except getting seduced by the corner stretching smile of a man with animal instinct..I certainly am missing myself to be tied up to the bedpost,choked and groaning his name!”
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“Don't castrate,But educate,At least to masturbate!”
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“Size doesn't but dick matters!”
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“I think. I write. I am.”
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“Vikrant : "I want to taste honey pot, You are shy, free yourself, like an animal, feel like an animal, they don't know sin. Do they?”
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“Always take the time of 180 days before you call yourself committed to someone.It takes at least a time span of six months to shed the fake skin.”
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“Never marry a person less educated than you. You, not only degrade yourself but also your kids will suffer whole life.”
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“A snake must be treated as a snake, forgiving it every time it showed you its fangs, will not transform into a garland of flowers.”
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“Love is like a slut,Available for all,Loyal to no one..”
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“Do question, even the basics!You will be a fool for once!If you don't, you will be, for a lifetime..”
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“Wanna be happy?Stop comparing!”
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“you behave like an unknown stranger to the loved ones and to the outer world, you portray to be the nicest-bestest-calmest-well-behaved-EST , This-EST and That-EST..Yes, You’re earning the appreciation of others but how much your near and dear ones hate you.. you cannot count,my dear!”
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“Want to be successful?Change your priorities!”
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