Hiromu Arakawa (author: 荒川弘) is a Japanese manga artist, best known for Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師 Hagane no renkinjutsushi).
Her real name is Hiromi Arakawa (荒川弘美).
Arakawa was born and raised on a dairy farm in Hokkaidō.
She thought of being a manga artist since she was little. After graduating high school, she took oil painting classes while working on her family's farm. During that time, she also created dōjinshi manga with her friends and drew yonkoma for a magazine. After eight years she moved to Tōkyō and started out as assistant writer for Hiroyuki Etō.
Her debut as manga artist is in 1999 with STRAY DOG. In 2001 she started working on her famous and award winning series Fullmetal Alchemist, that soon gets a successful anime adaptation.
Other works include Silver Spoon (銀の匙 Silver Spoon, Gin no saji Silver Spoon).
“Manga is a very entertaining cultural form, made of many totally different genres. Don’t restrict yourself with a single style of manga. I would be delighted to be your springboard, but try to read as much as you can in order to branch out!”
“The cycle of life only goes one direction, not even alchemy can change that"-Ed Elric”
“In researching this volume, I interviewed veterans who had been at the front during World War II. I read countless books, examined film footage, and listened to many detailed and intense stories firsthand, but the one comment that affected me the most came from a former soldier who lowered his gaze to the tabletop and said, ‘I never watch war movies.”
“To obtain something, something of equal value must be lost.”
“Dogs are actually very smart, it's just that they're rather clumsy, but it's this trait that makes humans attracted to them and why I love dogs so much.”
“Truth is stranger than fiction," as the old saying goes. When I watch a documentary, I can't help crying and then I think to myself, "Fiction can't compete with this."But when I mentioned this to a veteran manga artist friend of mine he said that "fiction brings salvation to characters in stories that would otherwise have no salvation at all." His words strengthened the conviction of my manga spirit.”
“All right people, listen up! If you've got a family back home waiting for you or if you just want to save your own skin, turn around and walk away. Also, women! I have no intention of fighting any women!”
“Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have.”
“There’s no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary; you can’t gain anything without losing something first. Although, if you can endure that pain, and walk away from it you’ll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yea, a heart made fullmetal.”
“The Homunculi may have started the war, but we were the ones who carried it out.”
“The two brothers who sought to get their only family back, to feel her warmth, one lost his last family member and the other could never feel warmth again.The one who wanted her baby back lost chance of having one again,And the one who had a vision to see his country change became blind.”
“Random Central Bad-guys: DROP YOUR WEAPONS! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!!!Ed: Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom...”
“Winry: So I guess you'll miss having her around, huh?Al: *Glares* Why are you smiling?”
“Zanpano~: What are your buddies in central Scheming?!Mini-Enzy: SNUB I don't know...Zanpano: *Shaking jar Violently* TALK YOU INSECT SCUM!! TALK!! Frog man: YOU GO, ZANPANO! SHOW IT WHOSE BOSS!”
“He died in the middle of our conversation. How rude...”
“Ed: Your crazy!Winry: BET YOUR BUT I AM!”
“One false move and he'd be a vegetable...”
“Infinite rain of chalk”
“Why are they burying daddy? Mummy? Mummy! Make 'em stop! Daddy can't go to work like this!”
“Let me tell you a little story. You may have heard it before.It's a story about a butcher named Barry.Once upon a time, in central city, there was a butcher named Barry. Barry loved to chop up meat more than anything in the world. But one day, when Barry got tired of just chopping up cows and pigs......He found something NEW to chop up-- PEOPLE. And so, he went out night after night in search of fresh meat. Eventually, Barry was caught, but not before he had slaughtered 23 victims!!! For terrorizing the poor people of central city, Barry was sent straight to the gallows...And everyone else lived happily ever after!”
“Water: 35 Liters. Carbon: 20 Kg. Ammonia: 4 Liters. Lime: 1.5 Kg. Phosphorus: 800 g. Salt: 250 g. Saltpeter: 100g. Sulfur: 80g. Fluorine: 7.5 g. Iron: 5 g. Silicon: 3 g. And 15 other elements in small quantities... That's the total chemical makeup of the average adult body... For that matter, the elements found in a human being... is all junk that you can buy in any market with a child's allowance. Humans are pretty cheaply made. - Edward Elric”
“A different species a different set of values a world completely unlike your own. There is a feeling you can only get when you meet the unknown and open your mind. - Nakajima (Gin no Saji)”
“You cant gain something, without giving something in return”
“I want you by my side. Forever.(Full Metal Alchemist)”
“You've certainly mellowed out... you used to be fun, full of life and emotion. Lust, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Pride. Of course, excessive want will destroy anyone, but those same desires are necessary to understand what it means to be human. Why did you rid yourself of them?”
“It’s ironic that as scientists that don’t believe in god, were the ones that are closest to god.”
“I draw manga, therefore I am!”
“Bloodshed begets bloodshed. Hatred begits hatred.”
“Enduring and forgiving are two different things. You must not forgive the cruelty of this world. It's our duty as human beings to be angry at injustice. But we must also endure it. Because someone must sever this chain of hatred.”
“Fool! Nothing but black ink runs through my veins!”
“Haven't you ever heard of the saying, "If you want to shoot the general, first shoot the horse!"?' --LinIf you wanna shoot the general, then you should just SHOOT THE GENERAL!' --Ed”
“Riza: Without his Alchemy he's just...Jean: A little brat who swears a lotMaes: An arrogant pipsqueakRoy: Useless. Just uselessAlphonse: Sorry big brother, I don't know how to add to that...Ed *starts to cry*: YOU'RE ALL PICKING ON ME!!!”
“I'M NOT SHORT!!!!!~Edward Elric ”
“[Thinking about his first day if he were the Fuhrer] "On that day, all female officers will be required to wear... tiny miniskirts!"[Strikes pose] Roy Mustang, The Flame Alchemist, Full metal Alchemist”
“When I was certain he was going to kill me, my mind went blank, and I didn't have any hope anymore. All I could do was scream my lungs out. I felt so helpless, I couldn't even bring myself to believe someone might save me. And then you showed up Al, and I realized that if we don't take care of each other then no one else will. So I'll do anything in my power to get our bodies back, even if it means being the militaries lap dog. And we'll just have to hope our powers are good enough to help us rise above our own limits. Because we're not Gods, we're humans, tiny insignificant humans. Who couldn't even save a little girl. "Edward- Elric”
“What, exactly, is the happiness that can be earned by turning away from reality?”
“Greed (as Ling): You humans always get all "holier-than-thou" when it comes to this stuff... I really don't get you.Edward: It's called having integrity. You should try it sometime”
“The "Wet Tongue Gets Stuck To A Frozen Flagpole" attack!”
“When I, who is called a "weapon" or a "monster", fight a real monster, I can fully realize that I am just a "human".”
“Hughes: (Talking for Mustang) 'I won't allow you to die under my jurisdiction because it'd be a pain to clean up the mess.' That's what he said.Edward: Fine. Tell him, 'Understood. I'll never die before you, colonel, you @#'$ idiot.'Hughes: Ha ha ha! They say the ruder you are, the luckier you are! In that case, you and Roy are gonna live forever!”
“Thank you, Edward. You really are special. Being able to create something so wonderful.....But it's too bad... ... You couldn't put me back together too. Trisha Elric”
“Father: Why did you not become mine God!?God: Because you did not believe in me.”
“Believe in yourself. Pick a path that you, deep down in your soul, won't be ashamed of.”
“Is it alright to believe in the future where everyone can live in happiness?”
“There's no such thing as being cowardly in a fight.~Edward Elric”
“Told you, Rose. Get too close to the sun, and you'll burn."-Edward Elric”
“Roy: "Looks like it's starting to rain"Riza: "But..It's not raining..."Roy: "Yes it is. This is the rain.”
“Do you wanna play? Everyone's dead, so I got bored. Did you come to play with me?--Wrath”
“Ed, "I hate deserts. There is nothing but sand *collapses* If there was some grass I could turn it into bread. I'm starving! Huh? Hey! Al' where'd you go? Al? Hey!"Al, "Down here! *Al's hand emerges from the sand beneath Ed and grabs Ed's leg*"Ed, "AHH!!"Al, "I sunk again. . ."(cut to later, after Ed dug Al out)Al, "I get full."Ed, "Full of what? *kicks Al and sand falls out of his chest plate and buries Ed*"Al, "Hahahaha. . .hahaha. . .haha. . . ha. . . *still laughing, inches away from Ed*"Ed, "*bursts out of sand and starts running after Al* Get back here!"Al, "What are you going to do?"Ed, "Nothing!"Al, "Than why are you chasing me?"Ed, "Stop and you'll find out!"Al, "I promise I won't get buried again!"Ed, "Not unless it's by me!"Al," Ed!"Ed, "Rrrrrrrrr!”