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H.M. Ward

H.M. Ward continues to reign as a NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author who surpassed more than 23 million books sold, placing her among the literary titans. Ward has been featured in articles in the NEW YORK TIMES, FORBES, and USA TODAY to name a few.

You can interact with this bestselling author at: www.facebook.com/AuthorHMWard.

“Being normal is overrated. Normal gets you what—the dolt husband with the 2.5 kids and the house with the dog? You seriously want that? I mean, one of those kids is going to be really funny looking, by the way, all cut in half like that. Who wants half a kid?”
H.M. Ward
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“I see it, Jack. Your muse is back. The thing that gave you passion, tormented you, and haunted you is back. You're reeling in ecstasy and dread. It's something you want, but can't ever have. And the one that brings the pain is pure, white as snow... and standing in front of you.”
H.M. Ward
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“What do I do now?I didn't think my heart could break any more than it already has.The pieces still inside of me feel like broken glass.Every time I take a breath, they stab into me.It never ends....”
H.M. Ward
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“Her head titled to the side and her eyebrows crept up her face. It was her uh-durrr face, she was just too kind to actually say it to me.”
H.M. Ward
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“If it was going to kill me or carry me off, I thought it would have done so already. But it just sat there, looking at me. Its tail swooshed suddenly, and it felt like I was looking at an overgrown cat in reptile form.”
H.M. Ward
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“You're not alone, unless you choose to be." As she left my room, she said over her shoulder, "It's time to stop running.”
H.M. Ward
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“You're not alone, unless you choose to be."..."It's time to stop running.”
H.M. Ward
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“Those guards are going to be all sorts of pissed when they find out they've been following a bunny rabbit.”
H.M. Ward
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“Most girls want the right guy. They aren't looking for a one-time thing.”
H.M. Ward
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“What is that?"..."Why do you smell like that?"..."Smell like what?""You smell delicious."..."You smell like food. Why do you smell like food?”
H.M. Ward
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“I had severe control freak tendencies, and when I had no control—I freaked out.”
H.M. Ward
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“You can’t keep it no matter how much you beg. Dragons are not pets, Ivy.” He laughed.”
H.M. Ward
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“There’s something eternal about love and once it starts, it doesn’t stop. There is no controlling it—love does what it wants when it wants.”
H.M. Ward
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“Love doesn't come along too often. Believe me, I know. When it does, only the foolish let it fade. Even if it is him.”
H.M. Ward
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“Sometimes it’s better to hold onto what you have, rather than risk what might be.”
H.M. Ward
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“You know, there are two types of people-ones who live their lives, and ones whose lives live them. You need to be the former, not the latter. And right now, you are letting your life live you. It's crushing you and completely out of control. You can't just let life happen, not if you want some say in what happens to you.”
H.M. Ward
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