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H.O. Charles

H.O. Charles is author of The Fireblade Array - a #2 best-selling series across Kindle, iBooks and B&N Nook in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy categories (#1 would just be showing off, right?)

Though born in Northern England, Charles now resides in a white house in Sussex and sounds like a southerner.

Charles has spent many years at various academic institutions, and cut short writing a PhD in favour of writing about swords and sorcery instead.

Hobbies include being in the sea, being by the sea and eating things that come out of the sea. Walks with a very naughty rough collie puppy also take up much of Charles' time.

“What are we if we are not products of our history? History is not in our past but forms us in the present. And how histories are written or interpreted depends on what we do today.”
H.O. Charles
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“I often think publishing a book is like doing a poo. Once it's ready for the world, you have to relinquish that control and let nature take its course. A few will be impressed by your creation, others will be disgusted. Plus, no one will enjoy your success and achievement in producing it as much as you did.”
H.O. Charles
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“It was all very well being in love with the memory of a woman, but loving a woman without her memories was simply torture.”
H.O. Charles
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“Silar's problem is something I, as an author, am constantly faced with. I have to predict the actions of my characters as they enter different situations. But there's always that element of chaos when they lose their sanity or when the less-probable occurs, which works against whatever fate I have in store for them. Just to complicate things further, it's almost inexcusable for an author to have characters acting... um... out of character in a book unless it's warranted by some other event. Therefore, as reasonable readers and authors, we all have our own ideas of deterministic behaviour and frequently balk at actions/decisions that seem odd.”
H.O. Charles
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