Höbin Luckyfeller photo

Höbin Luckyfeller

Known to collaborate frequently with YA Author Jaime Buckley, Höbin Luckyfeller specializes in acquiring unique information, not readily available to the public. He’s also been quoted over 650,000,000 times in the public school system for his definition of the gnome race:

“Gnomes - Society’s anomaly of unpredictable genius, creative brilliance and unconventional wisdom in a suffocating world of big people. We are, undeniably, the ultimate catalyst for change.”

Höbin’s qualifications include studying under the renown scribe and botanist Bigsby Bumblebutt, earning his Field Degree from Clockworks Academy. After the Gate War, he requested Isle-Leave from the Government Faction and got his black card, taking his surviving two children—Alhannah and Green with him on remote field assignments. Since then he’s earned a Doctorate in both field analytics and animal linguistics. He is proficient in arcane analysis, magic fundamentals and advanced cybernetic adaptation and engineering. Höbin also makes a mean quiche and an impressive lemon sorbet.

“It’s always good to give respect, even when you might not feel it’s due. It serves two purposes in particular: one, you’ll soothe the angry beast, should the person have a temper—by visually and verbally submitting to their imagined authority, and; two, by displaying that you acknowledge their authority (especially if others don’t), you are likely to gain favor which can be used to your advantage.”
Höbin Luckyfeller
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