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Holly Chamberlin

Holly Chamberlin is a native New Yorker, but she now lives in Portland, Maine - the aftermath of stumbling across Mr. Right at the one moment she wasn't watching the terrain. She's been writing and editing - poetry, children's fantasies, a romance novel or two, among many other genres and projects - her entire life. She has two cats, Betty and Cyrus, and when she's not writing her hobbies include reading, shopping, and cocktails at six.

“...in the tiny 'unhistoric acts' of goodness which she performs within her limited circle a ripple of influence has been set in motion which may eventually lap the edge of the world.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“But let me quote President Theodore Roosevelt: 'Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“Just remember: Forever is relative. What one person sees as three years can feel like a lifetime to another.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“People make mistakes. Get over it. You thought he was Mr Right but you were wrong. He thought you were his angel but he was wrong. Dwelling on the past will get you nowhere.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“Maybe I was unhappy for a lot of my marriage but didnt' realize it...She who is busy has no time to realize unhappiness. Now I have to wonder: why was I so busy in the first place? To fill a void I suspected was there but was afraid to acknowledge?”
Holly Chamberlin
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“How many can honestly say that they never fell in love with someone else along the way, someone they didn't pursue because they'd made a vow to stay with their spouse? How many would say they regretted that choice?”
Holly Chamberlin
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“How many married couples who stay married until one of them dies can honestly say that they weren't terribly bored at times?”
Holly Chamberlin
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“When you're in love, you can handle almost anything as long as you can spend some time with your loved one.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“I'm in love with someone, & none of it will go away.The memories bombard me every day.The dreams haunt me every night.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“Defending yourself is not the same as offending your enemy. Watch what you say.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“We're friends. Remember, we have the right to bore each other every now and then.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“Better to regret actions you have taken than to regret not having had the courage to take them in the first place.”
Holly Chamberlin
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“Female curiosity. Women like to know the stories of their friends' lives. Women like to understand”
Holly Chamberlin
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“True, he doesn't make you cry. Question is, does he make you laugh?”
Holly Chamberlin
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