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Holly Denham

Holly Denham is a fictional author created by Bill Hutton-Surie.

From chicklitclub.com

1. How did the idea for Holly come about?

The character Holly isn't based on anyone in particular, however I think a lot of her quirkiness has come from my wife - she's very quirky. The idea for the site came one day when we had to trawl through an ex-employee's work email account. The woman in question was single, extremely flirtatious and had always loved us to bits. We discovered she was married with four children, and couldn't stand the sight of us. The life she was leading was so full of mystery, intrigue, romance (and many many lies) that it made me wonder what it would be like to read a story told in this way.

2. What has been the response to people finding out that Holly's creator is actually a man?

Nothing yet, it's a fairly new revelation - the book is about to be launched on June 1 in the USA - and at the last minute they decided they didn't mind everyone knowing I'd written it. So if any of your readers have read it and now want to comment - they'll be the first to let me know.... aaaaggh.

3. What would you say to people who claim that men can't write chick lit?

Maybe they can't, or maybe Marian Keyes is a balding rugby player from Bath. I hope they can't - it makes me happier that I've achieved something then - I loved writing it - I think my sense of humour is much more in line with women's and I totally stink at writing like a man (I've been trying to get something published my whole life as a man and failed miserably).

“There are other ways to get back at your phone you know, if it's being naughty, you could simply make it communicate in Japanese,put it on silent, or even take away its battery privileges.”
Holly Denham
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