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Holly Weiss

Holly Weiss is a vocal instructor, retired professional singer and a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. A polio survivor, she resides in Connecticut with her husband.

Crestmont, her debut novel published in 2010. She co-authored a memoir, Makayla's Heart: Moment by Moment with Dell Hyssong, published in 2015.

Follow Holly on Twitter http://twitter.com/HWeissauthor

Reviewer of pre-publication books for Book of the Month Club.

Welcome to Crestmont 2 minute book trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0fwyh...

Supporter of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative http://bit.ly/akk3vG

“It is not by idle chance that I have come here.”
Holly Weiss
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