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Honor Tracy

Honor Tracy is the pseudonym of Lilbush Wingfield, who was a British writer, born at Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.

Tracy joined the British Women's Auxiliary Air Force from 1939 to 1941, working in the intelligence département, then she was attached to the British Ministry of Information during the Second World War, from 1941 to 1945, as a Japanese specialist. She worked for The Observer newspaper as a columnist and as a long-time foreign correspondent. She wrote also for The Sunday Times and for the British Broadcasting Corporation. Tracy is best known as a travel writer. Her novels satirize British-Irish relations and Ireland itself with wit and occasionally bitterness. Her best-known novels are The Straight and Narrow Path (1956), The Quiet End of Evening (1972), and The Ballad of Castle Reef (1979). Her best-known travel book is Winter in Castille (1973).

She settled in Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland and died in 1989 in Oxford, England.

“A student undergoing a word-association test was asked why a snowstorm put him in mind of sex. He replied frankly: "because everything does.”
Honor Tracy
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