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Hope Barrett

Formerly a reporter with the Hong Kong Standard, then freelancer for publications such as Style Magazine, Singapore Straits Times' New Paper, and the South China Morning Post, Hope Barrett moved to the west coast of Canada, where she took up the mantle of publisher for five years with the comic anthology OH... The downturn in the comic industry in the mid 90s ensured that such megalomania was punished with a dose of penury.

What the author did with the next decade of her life is now forming a part of North Door 37 Publishing's collection. Unless, of course, it is a murder mystery. Then we're talking fiction.

“For M & B.Should you ever get to read this, to remind you that when life offers you a challenge:rise to the occasion.”
Hope Barrett
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“Once an opportunist like Mickey, who took the argument when she jumped on some devastated wretch's machine and jackpotted that it was the "cash-ino's money" she was winning, Moon returned after her six month break with the view that the separation had somehow sweetened the honeypot. The sad reality, she quickly learned, was that she was not irreplaceable; as such, the Casino felt no compunction to welcome her back with multi-jackpots. Instead, it took her money everyday and did not once give her a jackpot so that she could say, "Ah. They missed me." Instead, all she could keep saying was, "Verr-y bed. Verr-y bed. Suck-ah all my money!”
Hope Barrett
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“Somebody’s going to be reading, right? Wrong. They’re FBing. “Doing a Number Two. Maybe I shouldn’t have had those chilli peppers. Hope y’all having a good day! —Coming from a toilet not far from you. xxxx”
Hope Barrett
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“You know it's going to be one of those days when the cat uses the carpet as a bum wipe....”
Hope Barrett
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“I AM the current curator of the black trunk and the stories it holds within.”
Hope Barrett
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