Hope Welsh photo

Hope Welsh

I write books. I've always been a writer. I know it's cliche but I started writing almost as soon as I learned to read. I wrote a play for school--in the third grade--that they put on for Christmas that year. I've never quite forgiven my sister for getting married that night. I missed my own production!

I've worked in various fields throughout my career. I was a cop, EMT, photographer, journalist, high school English teacher for special education, and most recently, a published author.

I enjoy using the skills I've learned in those jobs in my writing. A little less research is needed when I write books with police or medical information.

I love to hear from readers and other writers. I can be reached on Twitter at @HopeWelsh and my blog at http://hopewelsh.blogspot.com or my website at http://hopewelsh.com

Authors write because they have a story to tell. They publish to tell you their story. Please be sure to leave a review when you read a book you enjoy. We do appreciate it, I promise.

“God gave us words--it's our job to give them wings”
Hope Welsh
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