Houshang Golshiri photo

Houshang Golshiri

From the Golshiri foundation website

Writer, critic and editor, Hooshang Golshiri, the prominent Iranian literary figure, published his first collection of short stories, As Always, in 1958. His second book, a short novel, Prince Ehtejab (1959) brought him fame and was later made into an internationally acclaimed film (1974). It has since been translated into several languages. His writings include eight novels, five collections of short stories, two books on literary theory and criticism, and a 2 vol. collected essays and articles.

Alongside his writing, he set up workshops and classes to nurture new generations of writers, edited various literary journals, and actively participated in the struggle for freedom of thought and expression in Iran, and the establishment of an independent Iranian writers association. He was awarded the Hellman--Hammett Prize (Human Rights Watch) in 1997, and the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize (City Of Osnabruck) in 1999, in recognition of his commitment to human rights and freedom of speech.

“ما خیال می کردیم که راه رسیدن به آن ناکجاآبادمان از هر کوچه ای باشد، باشد، قصد فقط رسیدن است، به دست گرفتن قدرت است، حاکمیت سیاسی است. فکر هم می کردیم این چیزها، این دورویی ها، پشت و واروهای هر روزه مان را وقتی به آن جامعه رسیدیم مثل یک جامه قرضی درمی آوریم و می اندازیم توی زباله دانی تالیخ. اما حالا می فهمم تاریخ اصلا زباله دانی ندارد. هیچ چیز را نمی شود دور ریخت”
Houshang Golshiri
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