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Howard Fast

Howard Fast was one of the most prolific American writers of the twentieth century. He was a bestselling author of more than eighty works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays. The son of immigrants, Fast grew up in New York City and published his first novel upon finishing high school in 1933. In 1950, his refusal to provide the United States Congress with a list of possible Communist associates earned him a three-month prison sentence. During his incarceration, Fast wrote one of his best-known novels, Spartacus (1951). Throughout his long career, Fast matched his commitment to championing social justice in his writing with a deft, lively storytelling style.

Pseudonyms: Walter Ericson, E.V. Cunningham

“Man is a part of God, or else he is a beast; and beasts know love and fear and hate and hunger--but not exultation”
Howard Fast
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“The revolution goes on; a man does not make the revolution, not a thousand men, not an army and not a party; the revolution comes from the people as they reach toward God, and a little of God is in each person and each will not forget it. This it is the revolution when slaves shake their chains and the revolution when a strong man bends toward a weaker and says, "Here, comrade, is my arm." The revolution goes on and nothing stops it; but because the people are seeking what is good, not what is wicked or powerful or cruel or rich or venal, but simply what is good--because of that the people flounder and feel along one dark road after another. The people no more all-seeing than their rulers once were; it is in intention that they differ.”
Howard Fast
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“Your life is nothing, just a little makeshift that you play with for a while, a machine that you put to use. And if something cracks it, then it's cracked, that's all.”
Howard Fast
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“Jadi, jika aku ditanyai, "Apa yang harus kulakukan untuk menjadi penulis sukses?" Aku akan menjawab bahwa kau harus menginginkannya lebih daripada kau menginginkan yang lain.”
Howard Fast
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“Bagiku, sehari tanpa menulis adalah sehari hilang, terbuang.”
Howard Fast
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“A mountain still in the distance can appear as a molehill.”
Howard Fast
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“I am a man of peace [so he told Mother, but it always appeared to me that he was the most belligerent man of peace I had ever encountered]”
Howard Fast
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