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Hugh B. Brown

“I remember what J. Golden Kimball said when he came down to the stake where I was presiding. I introduced him as the 'Will Rogers' of the Church, and told the congregation that he was a great humorist. When he got up he said, 'You know, I think the Lord himself likes a joke. If he didn't, he wouldn't have made some of you folks!”
Hugh B. Brown
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“Night never had the last word. The dawn is always invincible.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“To fight the good fight is one of the bravest and noblest of life's experiences. Not the bloodshed and the battle of man with man, but the grappling with mental and spiritual adversaries that determines the inner caliber of the contestant. It is the quality of the struggle put forth by a man that proclaims to the world what manner of man he is far more than may be by the termination of the battle.It matters not nearly so much to a man that he succeeds in winning some long-sought prize as it does that he has worked for it honestly and unfalteringly with all the force and energy there is in him. It is in the effort that the soul grows and asserts itself to the fullest extent of its possibilities, and he that has worked will, persevering in the face of all opposition and apparent failure, fairly and squarely endeavoring to perform his part to the utmost extent of his capabilities, may well look back upon his labor regardless of any seeming defeat in its result and say, "I have fought a good fight." As you throw the weight of your influence on the side of the good, the true and the beautiful, your life will achieve an endless splendor. It will continue in the lives of others, higher, finer, nobler than you can even contemplate.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“Notable characters do not alone bear trouble; they use it.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“Mothers are the first professors in the school of character.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“There never was another like you in this world. God throws the mold away every time he makes a man [or woman]... I think He made you what you are in order that you might do some particular thing better than anyone else in the world could do it.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“While life lasts, one must look upon each new achievement as a challenge and a beginning. Mile posts marking the way were not intended for camping grounds.The gospel is a challenge to finish the course, not simply to begin it. All the fine accomplishments of a worth-while life may be defeated by a poor ending.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“Even water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“No matter what your past has been, your future is spotless.”
Hugh B. Brown
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“If any of you have a desire to be mediocre, you will probably find that you have already achieved your ambition.”
Hugh B. Brown
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