Austrian writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal established his reputation with lyric poems and a number of plays, including
(1891) and
Death and the Fool
This Austrian novelist, librettist, poet, dramatist, narrator, and essayist flourished.
“the activity of modern poets stands under the decree of necessity, as though they were building a pyramid, the monstruos residence of a dead King or an unborn God.”
“To be modern means to like antique furniture - and youthful neurosis.”
“So las ich falsch in deinem Aug, dem tiefen?Kein heimlich Sehnen sah ich heiß dort funkeln?Es birgt zu deiner Seele keine PforteDein feuchter Blick? Die Wünsche, die dort schliefen,Wie stille Rosen in der Flut, der dunkeln,Sind, wie dein Plaudern: seellos... Worte, Worte?”
“Was weiß denn ich vom Menschenleben?Bin freilich scheinbar drin gestanden,Aber ich hab es höchstens verstanden,Konnte mich nie darein verweben.”