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Huntley Fitzpatrick

“You're just going to walk away-like that? You're leaving it this way? Now? I love you. You can't...”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“You can't do this. You have to give me a chance to fix whatever it is I've done. What have I done?”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“You have to kiss me," I find myself saying. "Yeah." He leans closer. "I do.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“You okay? This okay?" I nod, pulling his hips more tightly to my own."Now we'll make it better," Jase vows, and begins to kiss me again as he starts to move in a rhythm. My body follows, unwilling to let him go, already glad to have him come back.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Shhhh." He pulls on my lower lip gently with his teeth, then fits his mouth to mine. First so careful, and then so deep and deliberate, that I can't think of anything at all but his smooth back under my hands.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Um. So ... Are we going to study?"Jase slides his thumbs behind my ears, rubbing the hollow at their base. He's only inches from my face, still looking into my eyes. "You bet. I'm studying you.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“I lie on top of him, skin to skin. He's tall, I'm not, but when we lie like this, we fit together. All the curves of my body relax into the strength of his.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Think about how it looks, Samantha. Not just how it feels. Make smart choices. Always consider consequences.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“I'll just sit back here and perform a few of the more acrobatic positions in the Kama Sutra. By myself, sadly.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Put down the Technicolor ones. No freaking way.""But blue's my favorite color," I say, batting my eyelashes at him."Put them down.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Well, Samantha... you were introduced to this guy. It went downhill from there. That might make it justifiable homicide. From time to time, I've wanted to kill people I knew even less well... strangers in supermarkets." Am I on my roof with a psychopath?”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“I never felt with her the way I feel whenever I even catch sight of you.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Your ma's dating?" Tim looks shocked. "I thought she pretty much confined herself to a vibrator and the shower nozzle since your dad screwed her over.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“It is as if everything else in the world stops as we lie here in the summer night.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“It'd be good if you'd stop apologizing right about now." "It's about all I've got to fix things.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“It's as though I don't make a ripple as I drop off the face of the earth.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“En las películas, la ropa simplemente desaparece cuando la pareja está lista para hacer el amor. Están completamente resplandecientes e iluminados con la banda sonora en alza. En la vida real, no es así. Jase tiene que quitarse la camisa y manosear torpemente la hebilla de su cinturón, y yo salto con un pie por la habitación quitándome los calcetines, preguntándome cuán poco sexy es eso. La gente en las películas ni siquiera tiene calcetines. Cuando Jase se quita sus jeans, el cambio que tiene en su bolsillo se sale, suena con estrépito y rueda por el piso.—¡Lo siento! —dice, y los dos nos congelamos, a pesar de que no hay nadie en casa para oír el ruido. En las películas, nadie es auto consciente en este punto, pensando que deberían haberse cepillado los dientes. En las películas, todo está hermosamente coreografiado, montado con una banda sonora cada vez más dramática. En las películas, cuando el chico atrae a la chica hacia él, cuando ambos están finalmente desnudos, nunca chocan sus dientes entre sí, se avergüenzan, necesitan reír y volver a intentarlo.Pero aquí está la verdad: En las películas, nunca es ni la mitad de lo maravilloso de lo que es aquí y ahora con Jase.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“—¿Se va a casar Jase ya contigo?Empiezo a toser de nuevo.—Uh. No, no, George. Sólo tengo diecisiete. —Como si esa fuera la única razón por la que no estamos comprometidos.—Yo tengo estos. —George levanta cuatro dedos ligeramente sucios—. Pero Jasetiene diecisiete y medio. Ustedes podrían. Entonces podrías vivir aquí con él. Y tener una gran familia. Jase entra a zancadas a la habitación, por supuesto, a mitad de esta propuesta—George. Lárgate. Discovery Channel está encendido.George se retira de la habitación, pero no antes de decir:—Su cama es realmente cómoda. Y nunca se hace pipi en ella.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Desde mi cornisa oculta, miraba hacia el jardín, tratando de localizar a Andy, adivinar el último escape de Harry, o ver el hermoso atuendo que Alice estaba usando. Los Garrett eran mi historia a la hora de dormir, mucho antes de siquiera pensar que yo sería parte de esa historia.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“In movies, it's all beautifully choreographed, set to an increasingly dramatic soundtrack.In movies, when the boy pulls the girl to him when they are both finally undressed, they never bump their teeth together and get embarrassed and have to laugh and try again.But here's the truth: In movies, it's never half so lovely as it is here and now with Jase.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“Feel sorry for anyone who thinks what they think is right should be some universal law”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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“No words for a long time. Which is fine, because even the most important ones-- I love you. I'm sorry. Forgive me? I'm here-- are only stand-ins for what you can say better without talking at all.”
Huntley Fitzpatrick
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